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Appreciation for President of the European Council’s words on migration

11 March 2023

Palazzo Chigi expresses sincere appreciation for the words addressed to Italy by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, which are fully in line with the Italian Government’s actions in Europe for a better management of migration and the fight against migrant smuggling. 

Following the terrible tragedy in Cutro, the common commitment to an adequate European response to the complex phenomenon of migration makes implementation of the conclusions from the February European Council meeting all the more urgent.

As President Michel has underlined, concrete measures are necessary for increased external action, enhanced cooperation on returns and readmission, control of EU external borders, and the fight against human trafficking, using all EU policies, instruments and tools necessary.

For the Italian Government, President Michel’s determination to swiftly implement what was agreed during the European Council meeting in February is a further step forward, ahead of the next EUCO meeting in March.

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President of the European Council Charles Michel’s letter to President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni:

Dear Giorgia,

Thank you for your letter of 28 February 2023.

The tragic shipwreck off the coast of Crotone is a strong reminder that we need to find real and workable solutions to better manage migration and to fight migrant smuggling.

At the European Council on 9 February, we affirmed our collective determination to develop a proper European response to the complex phenomenon of migration. We have agreed on a number of practical, concrete measures in the field of increased external action, enhanced cooperation on returns and readmission, control of EU external borders, fighting instrumentalisation, trafficking and smuggling of migrants. Among others, the use of all relevant EU policies, instruments and tools is foreseen, including opportunities for legal migration.

At the same time we made it clear that it is imperative for the co-legislators to continue the work on the Pact on Migration and Asylum, in line with the Joint Roadmap by the European Parliament and the rotating Presidencies of the Council, and in view of the adoption of the proposals before the end of the current legislative period.

The implementation of our February European Council conclusions is now key. We have no time to lose and that is why the Swedish Presidency of the Council and the Commission will inform us on the progress so far already when we meet next on 23 and 24 March. Swiftly implementing the agreed measures is a priority for all of us and I firmly count on Italy in this regard. By working together and acting decisively we must prevent that such terrible tragedies as the one off the coast of Calabria happen again.

Best regards,
Charles Michel