Il Governo

1 Gennaio 2023 - 31 Dicembre 2023

(Visualizzazione dal più recente)

28 Marzo 2023

President Meloni attends ceremony to mark Italian Air Force centenary

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended today’s ceremony to mark the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Air Force, which was held at the Pincio Terrace in Rome.

28 Marzo 2023

President Meloni’s statement on Italian Air Force centenary

Today, Italy is celebrating the centenary of its air force: 28 March 1923 marked the beginning of a captivating, all-Italian story, characterised by love for our homeland, courage, professionalism and generosity, which has carried our tricolour around the world. The Government expresses its gratitude to the men and women of the Italian Air Force, who keep our skies safe every day, operate in international peacekeeping and stability missions, are committed to helping people affected by natural disasters and provide emergency medical transportation, especially for children.

27 Marzo 2023

Convocazione del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 26

Il Consiglio dei Ministri è convocato in data 28 marzo 2023, alle ore 17.00, a Palazzo Chigi, per l’esame del seguente ordine del giorno:

27 Marzo 2023

PNRR, nota di Palazzo Chigi

A seguito degli incontri del Ministro per gli Affari europei, del Sud, delle politiche di coesione e PNRR, Raffaele Fitto, con il Commissario europeo per l’Economia, Paolo Gentiloni, e con la task force PNRR della Commissione Ue, è stato concordato di prolungare di un mese la fase di assessment per consentire ai servizi della Commissione di completare le attività tecniche di campionamento e verifica, proseguendo la proficua discussione che ha già consentito di valutare positivamente la maggior parte dei target fissati per il 31 dicembre 2022.

27 Marzo 2023

PNRR, riunione della Cabina di regia a Palazzo Chigi

È convocata per martedì 28 marzo 2023 a Palazzo Chigi al termine del Consiglio dei Ministri, esclusivamente tra le amministrazioni centrali titolari degli interventi PNRR, la Cabina di regia per fare il punto sulla verifica degli obiettivi rendicontati al 31 dicembre 2022, sul raggiungimento degli obiettivi in scadenza nel primo semestre 2023 e sul Capitolo REPowerEU.

27 Marzo 2023

NRRP: statement by Palazzo Chigi

Following Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP Raffaele Fitto’s meetings with the European Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, and with the European Commission’s NRRP [National Recovery and Resilience Plan] task force, it has been agreed to prolong the ongoing assessment phase by one month, in order to allow the Commission services to complete their technical sample checks and verification activities, continuing with the fruitful discussions that have already allowed for most of the targets set for 31 December 2022 to be rated positively.

24 Marzo 2023

President Meloni attends European Council meeting

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended the European Council meeting and Euro Summit in Brussels on 23-24 March. President Meloni addressed journalists at a doorstep both upon her arrival at the Europa building yesterday and following today’s meeting.

24 Marzo 2023

President Meloni attends European Council meeting

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended the European Council meeting and Euro Summit in Brussels on 23-24 March. President Meloni addressed journalists at a doorstep both upon her arrival at the Europa building yesterday and following today’s meeting.

24 Marzo 2023

President Meloni in Brussels

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended the European Council meeting and Euro Summit in Brussels on 23-24 March. Following today’s meeting, President Meloni addressed journalists at a doorstep.

24 Marzo 2023

President Meloni’s statement on anniversary of the Fosse Ardeatine massacre

Today, Italy honours the victims of the Fosse Ardeatine massacre. Seventy-nine years ago, 335 Italians were barbarically slaughtered by occupying Nazi troops in retaliation for the Via Rasella attack by partisans in Rome. The massacre marked one of the deepest and most painful wounds ever inflicted on our national community.
