Il Governo

Settembre 2024

(Visualizzazione dal più recente)

22 Agosto 2023

Il Sottosegretario Mantovano interviene al Meeting di Rimini

Il Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio, Alfredo Mantovano, è intervenuto al convegno "Cosa sta cambiando in Italia?" nell'ambito del Meeting di Rimini.

22 Agosto 2023

Il Sottosegretario Mantovano interviene al Meeting di Rimini

Il Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio, Alfredo Mantovano, è intervenuto al convegno "Cosa sta cambiando in Italia?" nell'ambito del Meeting di Rimini.

22 Agosto 2023

Undersecretary of State Mantovano speaks at Rimini Meeting

Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano spoke today at the ‘What is changing in Italy?’ conference, as part of the Rimini Meeting festival.

22 Agosto 2023

Undersecretary of State Mantovano speaks at Rimini Meeting

Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano spoke today at the ‘What is changing in Italy?’ conference, as part of the Rimini Meeting festival.

22 Agosto 2023

President Meloni’s birthday wishes for Paola Del Din

My best wishes to Paola Del Din on her 100th birthday.
On several occasions, I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know this extraordinary woman, a patriot who was awarded the Gold Medal for Military Valour for her bravery in the ranks of the Osoppo Brigades during the Resistance. We all send her our best wishes today and our thanks for being such a steadfast example of love of country and freedom.

17 Agosto 2023

President Meloni’s condolences on the deaths of Guardia di Finanza officers Paroni and Pacchione

“Both personally and on behalf of the entire Government, I wish to express the deepest condolences and sympathy of the institutions to the relatives of Guardia di Finanza officers Lorenzo Paroni and Giulio Alberto Pacchione, who tragically lost their lives while on duty, following an accident in the Western Julian Alps”.


15 Agosto 2023

President Meloni’s message on the passing of Francesco Alberoni

It was with great sadness that I learned of the passing of Professor Francesco Alberoni, a pillar of sociology and communication studies.
He told of Italy’s dreams and desires, instincts and longings, revolutions and rebellions, disappointments and revivals.
His books, articles and commentaries described and accompanied anthropological changes in Italian society.

14 Agosto 2023

President Meloni’s statement on fifth anniversary of the Morandi Bridge collapse

"On the fifth anniversary of the Morandi Bridge collapse, we feel renewed grief for the forty-three lives that were cut short in a tragedy that struck the heart of Genoa, Liguria and the whole of Italy.

12 Agosto 2023

Minimum wage: President Meloni’s letter to the Corriere della Sera newspaper

Dear Editor,
since entering office, the Government has shown that its priority is to safeguard Italians’ salaries and income. We have devoted large part of the available resources to cutting the tax wedge and strengthening households’ purchasing power. This will be the line we follow in the next Budget Law, which we are already working on. We are interested in hearing any proposal that goes in the direction of incomes and employment, of merit and fairness; we do not have ideological prejudices, we are pragmatic.

11 Agosto 2023

Incontro Governo-opposizioni sul salario minimo, punto stampa del Presidente Meloni

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, incontra i giornalisti al termine dell'incontro tra il Governo e i rappresentanti delle forze di opposizione sul salario minimo.
