
1 Gennaio 2023 - 31 Dicembre 2023

(Visualizzazione dal più recente)

13 Febbraio 2023

Phone call between President Meloni and the Emir of Qatar

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, had a telephone conversation today with the Emir of Qatar, Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, on the occasion of his official visit to Italy. President Meloni first of all expressed her regret that she was unable to attend the meetings at the Quirinale Palace with the President of the Republic due to a flu causing her to cancel all her scheduled engagements.
During the call, the two leaders discussed the issues on the bilateral agenda in depth, with particular reference to regional cooperation, energy cooperation and investment, noting the opportunities for growth in relations between Italy and Qatar.
They expressed their hope to soon have another opportunity to meet.

10 Febbraio 2023

Palazzo Chigi lit up with Italian tricolour to mark day of remembrance

Palazzo Chigi, the seat of the Italian Government, was lit up with the Italian tricolour from 6pm on Friday 10 until dawn on Saturday 11 February, to mark the day of remembrance for the victims of the Foibe massacres and the Istrian–Dalmatian exodus. The words “Io ricordo” [“I remember”] were projected onto the centre of the building’s façade.

10 Febbraio 2023

Palazzo Chigi lit up with Italian tricolour to mark day of remembrance

Palazzo Chigi, the seat of the Italian Government, was lit up with the Italian tricolour from 6pm on Friday 10 until dawn on Saturday 11 February, to mark the day of remembrance for the victims of the Foibe massacres and the Istrian–Dalmatian exodus. The words “Io ricordo” [“I remember”] were projected onto the centre of the building’s façade.

10 Febbraio 2023

Palazzo Chigi lit up with Italian tricolour to mark day of remembrance

Palazzo Chigi, the seat of the Italian Government, was lit up with the Italian tricolour from 6pm on Friday 10 until dawn on Saturday 11 February, to mark the day of remembrance for the victims of the Foibe massacres and the Istrian–Dalmatian exodus. The words “Io ricordo” [“I remember”] were projected onto the centre of the building’s façade.

10 Febbraio 2023

Giorno del Ricordo, Palazzo Chigi s'illumina con il Tricolore

In occasione del Giorno del Ricordo, Palazzo Chigi è illuminato con il Tricolore italiano. Al centro della facciata è proiettata la frase “Io Ricordo”.

10 Febbraio 2023

Giorno del Ricordo, Palazzo Chigi s'illumina con il Tricolore

In occasione del Giorno del Ricordo, Palazzo Chigi è illuminato con il Tricolore italiano. Al centro della facciata è proiettata la frase “Io Ricordo”.

10 Febbraio 2023

Giorno del Ricordo, Palazzo Chigi s'illumina con il Tricolore

In occasione del Giorno del Ricordo, dalle ore 18.00 di venerdì 10 all’alba di sabato 11 febbraio, Palazzo Chigi è illuminato con il Tricolore italiano. Al centro della facciata della sede del Governo è proiettata la frase “Io Ricordo”.

10 Febbraio 2023

President Meloni’s statement on Day of Remembrance for the victims of the Foibe massacres and the Istrian–Dalmatian exodus

Today, Italy marks the Day of Remembrance that pays tribute to the martyrs of the Foibe massacres and to the Italians of Istria, Rijeka and Dalmatia who were forced to abandon their homes and their lands just because they were Italian. Hundreds of thousands of our compatriots had no choice but to flee, and, on several occasions, the nation failed to embrace them as it should have.

10 Febbraio 2023

Concorso 53 posti referendario TAR anno 2022, modifica commissione

Con Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri in data 6 febbraio 2023,  è stato parzialmente modificato il D.P.C.M. in data 23 dicembre 2022, di nomina della  Commissione esaminatrice del concorso, per titoli ed esami, a 53 posti di Referendario di T. A. R., del ruolo della magistratura amministrativa, bandito con D.P.C.M. del 20 giugno 2022, pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, IV serie speciale, concorsi ed esami, n. 56 del 15 luglio 2022

10 Febbraio 2023

President Meloni in Brussels

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended the special European Council meeting in Brussels yesterday, which was also attended by the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. Upon her arrival at the Europa Building, before the meeting got underway, President Meloni addressed journalists at a doorstep. Earlier today, she held a press conference on the conclusions of the meeting.
