
1 Gennaio 2024 - 31 Dicembre 2024

(Visualizzazione dal più recente)

25 Gennaio 2024

President Meloni’s video link from Colosseum with Space Mission Ax-3 Voluntas

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, spoke via video link from the Colosseum with Italian Air Force Colonel Walter Villadei, who is aboard the International Space Station as part of the Ax-3 Voluntas mission.

25 Gennaio 2024

President Meloni’s video link from Colosseum with Space Mission Ax-3 Voluntas

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, spoke via video link from the Colosseum with Italian Air Force Colonel Walter Villadei, who is aboard the International Space Station as part of the Ax-3 Voluntas mission.

25 Gennaio 2024

Press conference following Council of Ministers meeting no. 66

Council of Ministers meeting no. 66 was held at Palazzo Chigi today. Following the meeting, Minister of the Interior Piantedosi, Minister of Labour and Social Policies Calderone and Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy Urso, together with Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Mantovano, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policies Bellucci and Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Leo, held a press conference to illustrate the measures adopted.

25 Gennaio 2024

Council of Ministers meeting no. 66

Council of Ministers meeting no. 66 was held at Palazzo Chigi today. Following the meeting, Minister of the Interior Piantedosi, Minister of Labour and Social Policies Calderone and Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy Urso, together with Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Mantovano, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policies Bellucci and Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Leo, held a press conference to illustrate the measures adopted.

25 Gennaio 2024

Conferenza stampa del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 66

I Ministri Piantedosi (Interno), Calderone (Lavoro e Politiche Sociali) e Urso (Imprese e Made in Italy), con il Sottosegretario alla Presidenza Mantovano, e i Vice Ministri Bellucci (Lavoro e Politiche Sociali) e Leo (Economia e Finanze), hanno illustrato in conferenza stampa i provvedimenti adottati dal Consiglio dei Ministri n. 66.

24 Gennaio 2024

Il Presidente Meloni alla Camera dei Deputati per il Question Time

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha risposto al Question Time alla Camera dei Deputati.

24 Gennaio 2024

President Meloni’s Question Time in the Chamber of Deputies

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, responded to the points raised by the Chamber of Deputies during today’s Question Time session.

24 Gennaio 2024

President Meloni’s Question Time in the Chamber of Deputies

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, responded to the points raised by the Chamber of Deputies during today’s Question Time session.

24 Gennaio 2024

President Meloni’s Question Time in the Chamber of Deputies

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, responded to the points raised by the Chamber of Deputies during today’s Question Time session.

24 Gennaio 2024

Campagna “Concorso per Arruolamento nella Marina Militare”

Campagna di comunicazione realizzata per consolidare l’immagine dell’Istituzione, promuovere il Concorso arruolamento 1^ Classe Accademia Navale 2024 con l’obiettivo di raggiungere le generazioni cui è rivolto e suscitare nei giovani la consapevolezza che l’ingresso in Forza Armata li renderà protagonisti del loro futuro.


La campagna punta a promuovere l’importanza dell’elemento umano, mettendo il personale al centro delle attività della Forza Armata, con l’obiettivo di dare ai giovani una prospettiva profes-sionale ricca di senso.
