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Meeting on reforms: statement by Palazzo Chigi

18 Gennaio 2023

During the meeting on reforms held today at Palazzo Chigi, there was great unity, in line with the commitments made to Italians and defined in the coalition’s programme. 
The meeting, attended by President of the Council of Ministers Meloni, Vice-Presidents Tajani and Salvini, Undersecretary of State Mantovano and Ministers Calderoli, Casellati, Fitto and Lollobrigida, defined the technical and political road map for the preliminary approval, in one of the next Council of Ministers meetings, of the draft law on ‘differentiated autonomy’.
During the meeting, it was also decided to define a time schedule for the status of Roma Capitale and for the state’s presidential reform.
The Government’s aim is to deliver on the commitments made to citizens in the shortest time possible, involving Parliament and political groups as much as possible.