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President Meloni’s statement on second anniversary of the killing of Ambassador Attanasio

22 Febbraio 2023

Two years have passed since the attack in which Italian Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo Luca Attanasio, Carabiniere Scelto Vittorio Iacovacci and World Food Programme driver Mustapha Milambo lost their lives.

Remembering Luca Attanasio and Vittorio Iacovacci is not only an institutional duty, but also an act of justice and of love: towards their families and loved ones who, more than anyone else, mourn their passing and can count on the support of the institutions to learn the truth behind the tragedy; towards our nation, which proudly pays tribute to the sacrifice of those two men who served the State and were killed while fulfilling their duties; towards the future generations, so they may be inspired by Luca and Vittorio along their own personal and professional paths.

The two men were posted to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which Pope Francis, during his recent apostolic visit to the country, defined as being “like a continent itself within the greater continent of Africa” and a “diamond of creation”. 
A country that has often been forgotten by the international community, but instead deserves attention, respect and the support it needs to express its potential.

This is the spirit that drove the work of Ambassador Attanasio and Carabiniere Scelto Vittorio Iacovacci in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
This is the spirit that drives Italy’s foreign policy in Africa, the strategic aim of which is to build a virtuous cooperation and growth model able to guarantee security, stability and mutual development for our nations and our peoples.

[Courtesy translation]