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President Meloni’s video message for centenary of the Italian League for the Fight Against Cancer

Venerdì, 24 Febbraio 2023

[The following video is available in Italian only]

Good morning everyone. 
I am very sorry that I am unable to be with you in Biella today for the closing event of the Italian League for the Fight Against Cancer (‘Lega italiana per la lotta ai tumori’, ‘LILT’) centenary celebrations. I nevertheless wanted to send my contribution and highlight the Government’s attention to you. I wish to greet LILT President Francesco Schittulli, the LILT provincial presidents and regional coordinators and all delegates and volunteers in attendance. 

The LILT is a pillar for the promotion and dissemination of a cancer prevention culture in Italy. For a hundred years, Italian institutions have been able to count on your dedication and tireless commitment to reducing the risk factors and causes of this disease, to informing the public about early diagnosis, and to caring for those going through, and who have been through, this experience and need someone to talk to and to help and support them. You know better than I do that cancer has a psychological component that can greatly affect the patient. This is why helping those who are living with the disease not to lose heart, not to feel alone and to continue fighting can really make the difference.

Throughout its history, the LILT has played a crucial role, especially when the media and the world of science did not have the same tools as they do today to quickly provide information and allow messages to reach a lot of people in a short amount of time.

Your members and volunteers are truly like ‘guards of cancer prevention’, donating their time and professional skills to help others, throughout Italy. This is the beauty of volunteering, of being involved with an association, of the vast network of social solidarity organisations that is present throughout our nation and has always made Italy an example to follow.  

Italy is proud of you and thanks you.

Thank you and I wish you all the best with your work.

[Courtesy translation]