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President Meloni’s statement on International Women’s Day

8 Marzo 2023

“On International Women’s Day, I wish to remember and thank all the tenacious and courageous women who, over time and history, have fought and reached important achievements and milestones in social, civil, economic and political fields as well as in the worlds of science and innovation. 
Protagonists of great revolutions that have given women an increasingly central and significant role in Italy’s development. Workers, wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, friends or partners: women represent an endless source of strength, endurance, cohesion and sharing.
I also wish to remember young women such as Saman Abbas, Pamela Mastropietro, Sara Di Pietrantonio and all those who have been killed by violence. It is for them, and for all women who are victims of persecution, discrimination and abuse, that we must continue the battle against all forms of violence, using all the tools available to us.
It is the duty of the institutions to ensure that such barbarities no longer happen, just as it is our duty to break down the barriers that do not allow all women to maximise their invaluable potential in their chosen field.
Great strides have been made and many are still needed; there must be the awareness, however, that women’s growing presence in all sectors is, and must be, a keystone and continuous movement for the development of our nation.
Happy 8th March to all women in Italy, in Europe and around the world”. 

[Courtesy translation]