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President Meloni meets with survivors and relatives of the victims of the tragedy in Cutro

16 Marzo 2023

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni met today at Palazzo Chigi with survivors and relatives of the victims of the tragedy in Cutro. They were accompanied by interpreters to allow for translation to and from their mother tongues. The Government was also represented at the meeting by Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Antonio Tajani and Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano. Both personally and on behalf of the entire Government, President Meloni expressed sympathy to those present and assured the utmost commitment to satisfying their requests.

The victims’ relatives and the survivors sincerely thanked President Meloni for the meeting, for the actions to help them, for what Italy has done in Afghanistan and for what can still be done in the future. President Meloni assured them that the search for bodies would continue, including those presumably still trapped on the boat, stranded on the seabed. She also assured them of Italy’s diplomatic efforts at EU level: to follow up on requests for reception and family reunification in other European countries, in particular Germany; for a free Afghanistan that respects human rights, especially women’s rights; to overcome the various crises that have affected Pakistan, Palestine and Syria.

During the emotional and moving meeting, the survivors and victims’ relatives appealed to President Meloni’s “heart as a mother” and President Meloni asked them to what extent they were aware of the risks involved with crossing the Mediterranean. She also reiterated the Government’s line regarding the fight against human traffickers, in order to avoid further tragedies like the ones that have happened recently. “Thank you for being here and for conveying your dramatic experiences and your requests so clearly”, said President Meloni at the end of the meeting.    
[Courtesy translation]