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President Meloni’s statement on National Day of Remembrance for Covid victims

18 Marzo 2023

Today, Italy honours and pays tribute to the victims of Covid and offers its condolences once again to their relatives and loved ones.  
The nation has faced one of the most difficult periods in its history. Over three years ago, coronavirus entered our lives and turned them upside down, but the Italian people did not allow themselves to be defeated and found the strength to react.
Our thanks go to all our compatriots who devoted themselves to others with a spirit of sacrifice, humanity and professionalism, allowing Italy to overcome the most acute phases of the pandemic. I am thinking, for example, of the admirable self-sacrifice of healthcare workers, the extraordinary contribution made by social solidarity organisations and the great sense of responsibility shown by key workers, who ensured essential services were provided.
Today, our thoughts also go out to all those who, despite so many difficulties, did not give up in the face of the emergency and allowed our productive fabric to withstand the situation and remain viable.
Italy has paid a very high price and the journey to completely overcome the negative consequences of the pandemic crisis, from a health, social and economic point of view, is not yet over.  However, the path is mapped out before us and we are sure that Italy will be able to win this challenge too.

[Courtesy translation]