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Launch of the ‘Qui non sei sola’ project to combat gender-based violence

23 Marzo 2023

Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè and Minister for the Family, Birth Rate and Equal Opportunities Eugenia Roccella presented the ‘Qui non sei sola’ [‘You’re not alone here’] project at Palazzo Chigi today, an initiative to combat gender-based violence and to protect victims.
Without prejudice to the relevant roles and responsibilities assigned to central and local government bodies, the aim of the agreement in question is to promote hotels being places where women who are victims of violence can go for short stays after leaving a shelter, as part of their path out of violence.
Thousands of establishments belonging to the ‘Solidarity Hotel Network’ are taking part in the project, thanks to a memorandum of understanding being signed with the major trade associations in Italy’s hotel industry: Assohotel Confesercenti, Confindustria Alberghi, CNA Turismo, Federalberghi, Federturismo and Unipol Sai with the UNA Hotel chain.

Source: Ministry of Tourism

[Courtesy translation]