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Meeting with the President of the autonomous Kurdistan Region

13 Aprile 2023

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, together with the Minister of Defence, Guido Crosetto, received the President of the autonomous Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, at Palazzo Chigi today.
During the meeting, the issues on the bilateral agenda were discussed in depth, with the opportunities, including the economic opportunities, offered by a climate of greater stability. In this regard, cooperation in the sectors of security and defence remains important. 
Italy is present in Kurdistan with more than 300 military personnel to strengthen the training of Kurdish security forces as part of the anti-Daesh coalition.
The meeting, which followed the one held last December as part of President Meloni’s visit to Iraq, provided an opportunity to underline the traditional friendship between Italy and Iraq and the autonomous Kurdistan Region.
The strong bilateral relationship helps to address the region’s complex challenges, seizing also the opportunities present for the benefit of the peoples concerned.