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NRRP steering committee meetings with businesses and trade unions held at Palazzo Chigi. Minister Fitto: with the decree approved today, we are strengthening and enhancing discussions with partners

20 Aprile 2023

Discussions continue between the Government and economic and social partners for the inclusion of the REPowerEU chapter in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (‘NRRP’). On the day of Parliament’s definitive approval of the ‘NRRP Decree Law’ (decree law no. 13/2023), dialogue with partners has been strengthened and enhanced by transferring the discussions previously attributed to the technical round table for partners to the NRRP steering committee, the policy guidance body that coordinates and gives impetus to the Plan’s implementation.
“With today’s steering committee meetings with business and trade union representatives, we are giving an initial concrete response to the provisions of the decree. With regard to our approach, we have set up a series of sector-specific round tables to look at issues in detail and ensure adequate time for discussion for all” stated Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP Raffaele Fitto during the meetings held at Palazzo Chigi this afternoon. 
At the start of the round table discussions, Minister Fitto expressed satisfaction that the Chamber of Deputies had definitively approved the ‘NRRP Decree Law’ and he outlined the road map and timeline for the coming months. “We are working very hard to check measures and possible corrective actions with regard to both the REPowerEU chapter and the entire Plan. We believe this has to be done immediately, also with your involvement”, Minister Fitto said to the business and trade union representatives present, whom he invited to bring their contributions and useful suggestions to the discussion. 
Today’s discussions will continue with further meetings, with the aim of carrying out detailed checks into the entire Plan. The official deadline for submitting the NRRP update to the European Commission is 31 August, as indicated in the Commission’s regulations and guidelines. “We are working to achieve this result as soon as possible: we are progressing quickly, aware of the importance of taking up this great challenge for the country”, assured Minister Fitto, reminding those present that next week there will be the Parliamentary address on the NRRP and, subsequently, the submission of the six-monthly report.
A total of six sector-specific round tables were held, attended by: Confindustria, Ance, Confedilizia, Abi, Ania, Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Cia, Unsic, Copagri, Federterziario, Confetra, Confservizi, Confprofessioni, Assoprofessioni, Confapi, Confimi, Confcommercio, Confesercenti, Federdistribuzione, Alleanza Cooperative, Unicoop, Confartigianato, Cna, Casartigiani, Cgil, Cisl, Uil, Ugl, Confsal, Cisal and Usb.