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President Meloni’s statement on International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

17 Maggio 2023

On the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, the Government reaffirms its commitment against all forms of discrimination, violence and intolerance. The protection and defence of each person’s dignity is enshrined in the Constitution and is a priority that must be pursued by all institutions, at all levels. The Government is pursuing this commitment with determination, also with regard to prevention and victim support, starting with the freeing up of the necessary resources to refinance anti-discrimination centres. 

On this day, we are also renewing Italy’s commitment at global level to ensure the international community keeps the spotlight on the unacceptable persecution and intolerable abuse suffered by people in various nations around the world due to their sexual orientation. As President of the Republic Mattarella reminded us today, in several cases such discrimination and violence are even legitimised by legal systems. We cannot look the other way. 

[Courtesy translation]