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President Meloni’s statement on anniversary of ‘Checkpoint Pasta’ battle in Mogadishu

2 Luglio 2023

Thirty years have passed since the tragic battle of ‘Checkpoint Pasta’ in Mogadishu. On 2 July 1993, Somali militia attacked a column of the Italian national contingent involved in the UN-led mission to ensure humanitarian aid reached the people of Somalia, reduced to hunger and suffering by the power struggle between tribal factions. Three young and valorous Italian soldiers, Second Lieutenant Andrea Millevoi, Sergeant Major Stefano Paolicchi and Corporal Pasquale Baccaro, lost their lives in the attack. Thirty-two others were wounded, some of whom very seriously. One of them, Lieutenant Colonel Gianfranco Paglia, lost the use of his legs, but over the years he has never ceased in his efforts to keep the memory of what happened, and of his fellow soldiers, alive. On the thirtieth anniversary of that tragic event, the Government honours the memory of the fallen and extends heartfelt sympathy to their families and loved ones. Today we reiterate our gratitude for all the military personnel who serve our homeland and the institutions and hold the Tricolour high around the world, even risking their own lives to fulfil their duty and to help bring peace, security and stability to the most complex of situations. 

[Courtesy translation]