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Statement by President Meloni on 67th anniversary of the Marcinelle tragedy and 22nd National Day of Italian Labour Sacrifices in the World

8 Agosto 2023

“The catastrophe at the Bois du Cazier mine in Marcinelle on 8 August 1956 left an indelible mark on Italian and European history.
Italy paid the highest price in that tragedy. 136 of the 262 miners who died in the disaster were in fact our compatriots. They had made the difficult and painful decision to leave their homeland and emigrate to Belgium. They worked hard, with humbleness and dedication, without any guarantees and in terrible, now unimaginable, conditions. They lost their lives in the darkness of a mine, but their light has never gone out; it shines on as the national community remembers and expresses its gratitude to them.

Today, the Republic pays tribute to those sons of Italy, as it marks the National Day of Italian Labour Sacrifices in the World. This official day of commemoration was established in 2001 by the unforgettable Minister Tremaglia (with whom I had the honour of visiting Marcinelle) to remember and honour Italian workers who lost their lives in all corners of the world and the economic, social and cultural contribution their work made to the progress of the nations that welcomed them.

Marcinelle has become a symbol, a piece in the great mosaic that is the history of Italian emigration - a succession of enormous sacrifices but also of extraordinary successes and achievements. Today, we also pay tribute to all this, rediscovering the bond that links us to Italians abroad, who are ambassadors for Italy around the world and carry the Tricolour in their hearts”.

[Courtesy translation]