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Inflation: first pact to protect citizens’ purchasing power signed at Palazzo Chigi

28 Settembre 2023

An ‘Anti-Inflation Quarter’ pact was signed at Palazzo Chigi today by President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni, Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida, and by representatives of the world of production, processing and distribution. 32 associations forming part of Italy’s economic system will be supporting the Government to protect the purchasing power of citizens and households.

[President Meloni’s speech]

[Signing ceremony and speeches]

The aim of the anti-inflation pact is to reduce the inflation rate that is currently pushing up shopping bills: from 1 October to 31 December, participating stores in Italy will offer a wide range of food and non-food essentials, childcare products and fast moving consumer goods – to be decided by the companies and distribution chains – at controlled prices, with a commitment to contain and not increase those prices during the period of reference. A real ‘tricolour basket’ to be made available to consumers, respecting freedom of enterprise and different market strategies, through initiatives such as fixed prices, special offers, private label products, and shopping at a discounted or single price.

All associations from the world of modern distribution and traditional trade, shopkeepers and cooperatives, and the pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical sector (Federdistribuzione, Ancd - Conad, Ancc - Coop, Confcommercio, Fiesa - Confesercenti, Confcooperative - consumo e utenza, Confimprese, Federfarma, Assofarm, Farmacieunite, Federfardis, Mnlf, Culpi, Fnpi, Unaftisp) have come together and joined the initiative. The pact has also been shared by the main associations in the food and non-food industry (Federalimentare, Centromarca, IBC, Union alimentari Confapi, Unionfood, Assogiocattoli, Confimi industria), in the craft industry (Cna, Confartigianato, Casartigiani), cooperatives (Legacoop agroalimentare, Confcooperative–Fedagripesca) and the world of agriculture (Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Filiera Italia, Copagri, CIA).
Participating businesses will offer products at controlled prices, making them easy to recognise for consumers by displaying the ‘Anti-Inflation Quarter’ logo inside shops and on the shelves: a shopping trolley in the colours of the Italian flag, which will also be featured in the initiative’s promotional campaign to be launched over the coming days. In addition, the pact provides for a permanent supply chain round table to be set up at the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, with the involvement of the other Ministries in charge, with the aim of analysing how the initiative evolves, as well as needs and any critical issues in the sectors concerned.