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NRRP steering committee meeting to verify achievement of the 37 objectives linked to the sixth instalment

24 Giugno 2024

A meeting of the steering committee for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) was held at Palazzo Chigi today, chaired by the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni. The purpose of the meeting, called by Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP Raffaele Fitto and attended by the Ministers and Undersecretaries involved as well as by representatives from ANCI [National Association of Italian Municipalities], UPI [Union of Italian Provinces] and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, was to verify achievement of the 37 milestones and targets linked to the sixth instalment of Italy’s new Recovery and Resilience Plan. 

Following a detailed review, the steering committee acknowledged the implementation status of the milestones and targets required for the sixth instalment, some of which have also been reached as part of the latest NRRP decree to become law. These include strategic investments linked to: the development of infrastructure to bolster gas transportation (Adriatic Line); training to boost the technical, digital and managerial skills of national health service professionals; tax credits for the green transition 4.0 and 5.0; the launch of infrastructure projects as part of the Special Economic Zone in the Mezzogiorno; upgrades to the national fire brigade’s fleet; the digitalisation of national parks; the plan to boost sports facilities in schools; the protection and enhancement of urban and periurban forests; the green transition, with the rollout of power generation facilities in the agricultural/agri-industrial sectors (agri-solar); the clean-up of illegal landfills and consequent cancellation of infringement proceedings; the strengthening of rail links in the south of Italy; completion of hiring processes for civil, criminal and administrative courts; creation of the Digital Tourism Hub; and, the digitalisation of the Guardia di Finanza [Italian Finance Police], strengthening the mechanisms to safeguard transparency and legality in relation to the Plan. Together with the measures approved in the ‘NRRP Decree Law’, this latter initiative will help further safeguard legality with regard to the Plan. To date, the Guardia di Finanza has already carried out 3,683 inspections to check whether citizens and businesses are eligible for tax credits, contributions and funding as well as to make sure works projects and services covered by public procurement contracts are being duly carried out, for a total of approximately EUR 9.3 billion. 

“Today’s steering committee meeting – stated President Meloni – follows on from the positive technical evaluation with the European Commission which lasted all last week, and confirms the excellent work by the Government, cooperating in synergy with all the institutions and implementing bodies involved, to implement Italy’s new Plan. This new Plan has freed up strategic resources to fuel structural economic growth in Italy, which ranks first in Europe in terms of both milestones and targets reached and financial progress. GDP and employment growth figures from the last few days show that the Mezzogiorno is growing by half a point more than the national average – continued President Meloni – providing us with further impetus to intensify the planning of virtuous policies, aimed at concretely bridging the nation’s regional competitiveness and productivity gaps. As was also the case for the fifth instalment, Italy is the first EU Member State to submit its payment request for the sixth instalment”.

In addition to the investments for the sixth instalment, there are also several important reforms, including measures: to simplify authorisation procedures for renewable energy plants; to reduce payment delays by the public administration and health authorities; for the legislative framework regarding public procurement; for the framework law for people with disabilities; and for the entry into force of legislative decrees to support elderly people who are not self-sufficient.

“This morning’s important steering committee meeting – stated Minister Fitto – highlighted the positive progress of investments and reforms, fully in line with the Plan’s forecasts for 2024. This will enable the Government to initiate the payment procedure for the sixth instalment and to begin work to verify and report on the 69 milestones and targets required for the seventh instalment, equal to EUR 18.2 billion, already over the coming days. The figures showing a substantial increase in investments in public works projects, which grew by more than 50% in the south of the country in 2023 – continued Minister Fitto – confirm that we have fully entered Stage 2 of the NRRP, with the concrete rollout of investments to shape the Italy of tomorrow”.

The steering committee’s findings will allow Italy to formally submit its payment request for the sixth instalment, amounting to EUR 8.5 billion, to the European Commission, which will be in addition to the resources for the fifth instalment, in relation to which final checks and reporting are currently underway.

[Courtesy translation]

[NRRP steering committee meeting]