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President Meloni’s statement on eighth anniversary of the earthquake in central Italy

24 Agosto 2024

Eight years ago, a catastrophic earthquake devastated central Italy.

That terrible quake hit at 3.36am, as we are all reminded by the stopped clock on the municipal tower of Amatrice, triggering a series of seismic events whose destructive effects were felt for several months after, involving an extremely vast area of our nation.

We will never forget the night of 24 August 2016. The images of the catastrophe, the destroyed villages, the pain and anguish of our compatriots and the heroism of the rescue workers all form part of a collective memory that time will not erase. On this anniversary, we remember those who are no longer with us and our thoughts are with the victims’ families and loved ones: you have never been alone, and Italy is and always will be by your side.

Eight years on from that night, reconstruction work is still not complete. Much has been done, but there is equally still a lot to do to give the Central Apennines region back the future it deserves and fulfil the desire of those who were born and raised there and long to live in those places once again. While getting citizens back in their homes is the key objective, and the figures show this is progressively happening, making central Italy safe and vibrant again is also a must if we are to combat depopulation and prevent Italy’s inland and mountain areas from being abandoned. We cannot allow that to happen, because each and every Italian village forms part of the nation’s soul, preserving our core identity.

Ensuring places are safe, developing cutting-edge projects, guaranteeing the infrastructure needed to combat isolation, and supporting businesses and production activities: this is the strategy the Government has undertaken and is carrying out with great determination. The teamwork between Minister for Civil Protection Musumeci, Special government commissioner Castelli, the regional authorities involved and the 138 ‘crater municipalities’ has brought about a step change, with renewed institutional cohesion around the goal of reconstruction representing an added value to be safeguarded. 

The economic and social revival of the Central Apennines is not just a duty for those who have always loved and lived in those places, but is also an essential investment for the nation as a whole.

[Courtesy translation]