Latest from Palazzo Chigi

1 Gennaio 2023 - 31 Dicembre 2023

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President Meloni’s video message to ‘Nation and Homeland. Rediscovered ideas’ conference

30 Maggio 2023

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni’s video message to the conference ‘Nazione e Patria. Idee ritrovate’ [‘Nation and Homeland. Rediscovered Ideas’], held at Palazzo della Minerva (a Senate building) in Rome.


President Meloni’s statement on local election results

29 Maggio 2023

Congratulations to all the mayors who have been elected in this round of local elections. As was the case in the first round, the centre-right has today confirmed its strength at the ballot box. Voters appreciate the work of the Government coalition and today’s result is further incentive to continue our action, to consistently and clearly follow the programme of economic, social and institutional reforms with which we gained the trust of Italians. Tough challenges lie ahead, in a scenario that is not without critical issues, but if we remain focused on our goals, with the utmost commitment, Italy will have a long period of political stability and economic growth.


President Meloni’s statement on attack on the KFOR mission

29 Maggio 2023

Both personally and on behalf of the Government, I express heartfelt feelings of sympathy to the Italian military personnel who were injured during the unrest in Kosovo. I also express the strongest condemnation of the attack on the KFOR mission which also involved military personnel from other nations. What is happening is absolutely unacceptable and irresponsible. We will not tolerate further attacks against KFOR. It is essential to avoid further unilateral action by the Kosovo authorities and for all parties involved to immediately take a step back and contribute to easing the tensions. The Italian Government has the utmost commitment to peace and stability in the Western Balkans and we will continue to work with our allies. I confirm my support for Italian military personnel and the Government’s strong gratitude for the extraordinary professionalism and commendable spirit of service they demonstrate in all circumstances. 


EU and national funds: Minister Fitto meets with regional presidents

29 Maggio 2023

Meetings are continuing with the Presidents of Italy’s individual Regions to allow for institutional coordination with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers on the planning and use of national and EU funds.


Minister Fitto’s meetings with regional presidents: positive outcome, excellent appraisal work

29 Maggio 2023

The outcome of today’s discussions between Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP Raffaele Fitto and regional presidents was a positive one: meetings were held with eight governors, with discussions helping to take stock of cohesion policies for the 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 programming periods and the NRRP with regard to the individual regions.


President Meloni’s statement on 30th anniversary of the Georgofili bombing

27 Maggio 2023

A vicious attack against the State, a war declared on the Republic in revenge for the hard prison regime for mafia convicts, a severe wound inflicted on Italy and its artistic and cultural heritage. On the night between 26 and 27 May thirty years ago, the mafia decided to strike Florence with all its might, blowing up a car loaded with 250 kilograms of explosives underneath the Georgofili Academy.


President Meloni takes part in Festival dell'Economia

26 Maggio 2023

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, addressed the ‘Festival dell’Economia’ [Economics Festival] in Trento via video link today.


Telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia

26 Maggio 2023

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, had a telephone conversation today with the Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovačevski. The cordial conversation confirmed the excellent level of bilateral relations between Rome and Skopje and the common interest to strengthen them further in the sector of defence, also with regard to air patrols in the skies of North Macedonia. President Meloni assured the Italian Government’s full support for Skopje’s European path.


President Meloni and President von der Leyen visit Emilia Romagna

25 Maggio 2023

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni accompanied President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, who is visiting Emilia Romagna, on a helicopter flight over the region’s flood-affected areas this afternoon, after which they held a press point at Bologna airport.