Latest from Palazzo Chigi

1 Gennaio 2023 - 31 Dicembre 2023

(Visualizzazione dal più recente)


President Meloni’s statement following Council of Ministers meeting no. 28

11 Aprile 2023

“The Government has today outlined its economic policy for the coming years, a line of stability, credibility and growth. We have responsibly revised GDP estimates upwards and are continuing on the path of public debt reduction. These are the credentials with which Italy is presenting itself in Europe.  We have also decided to declare a state of emergency on immigration in order to provide more effective and timely responses for the management of flows”. 

Press release

President Meloni’s call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel

11 Aprile 2023

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, received a telephone call today from the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, who wished to express his condolences for the death of Alessandro Parini in last Friday’s attack in Tel Aviv. President Meloni thanked him for the assistance provided by the Israeli Government and for the solidarity expressed by many Israeli citizens in the dramatic circumstances.


President Meloni expresses condolences for the death of Alessandro Parini in Tel Aviv

7 Aprile 2023

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, expresses deep sorrow at the death of compatriot Alessandro Parini in this evening’s terrorist attack in Tel Aviv. President Meloni expresses sympathy to the victim’s family and to all those injured, and solidarity with the State of Israel following the cowardly attack. The President of the Council of Ministers and the Government are in contact with the Israeli authorities to follow updates and the possible involvement of other Italian citizens in the attack.


Relocation operations continue for Cutro shipwreck survivors

7 Aprile 2023

In accordance with the commitments made by the Government, relocation operations are ongoing for the survivors of the shipwreck that occurred in Cutro, in the province of Crotone, on the night of 25-26 February. According to information gathered by the Ministry of the Interior, 76 people are requesting international protection: 18 have applied in Italy (15 Pakistani nationals, 2 Afghan nationals and 1 Iranian national) and are currently being housed in ‘Reception and Integration System’ (‘SAI’) centres; five unaccompanied foreign minors have been placed in facilities for children.


President Meloni meets with President of the Government of Spain

5 Aprile 2023

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met today with the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, at Palazzo Chigi. Following their meeting, the two leaders issued statements to the press.


President Meloni’s video message to Ministerial Meeting on the Western Balkans

3 Aprile 2023

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, greeted the Ministerial Meeting on the Western Balkans today, via video message.


President Meloni visits 55th edition of Vinitaly

3 Aprile 2023

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, this morning addressed the ‘Vino e giovani’ [‘Wine and young people’] event and 2023 award ceremony for the 7th ‘Agricultural Institutes of Italy’ wine competition at Vinitaly, the international wine and spirits exhibition in Verona. 


President Meloni’s statement on World Autism Awareness Day

2 Aprile 2023

Today is World Autism Awareness Day, established by the United Nations in 2007 to promote greater attention to people with autism spectrum disorder. To mark this occasion, Palazzo Chigi’s façade will be lit up in blue from sunset this evening until 6am tomorrow morning as a small gesture to express closeness with the families, associations and health professionals who, with such love and commitment, face important challenges every day.


President Meloni’s statement on Pope Francis leaving hospital

1 Aprile 2023

“I am delighted to hear the news that the Holy Father has been discharged from the Gemelli Hospital. He and his Magisterium are an example and a point of reference for Italy, Europe and the whole world”.