Latest from Palazzo Chigi

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President Meloni attends States General of Italy in Brussels

22 Marzo 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, delivered a speech at the ‘States General of Italy’ in Brussels today, attended by Italian officials working at European Institutions and NATO and by representatives of Italy’s economic system.


Note by Palazzo Chigi on opening of EU accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina

21 Marzo 2024

Italy's Government is highly satisfied with the European Council's historic decision to open EU accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Firmly sought by Italy, this objective offers a clear EU perspective to Sarajevo. Italy will continue to encourage and support the Bosnian government to committedly pursue the reform path it has started. With this decision, the European Union sends a clear and unequivocal message not only to Sarajevo, but to all the Western Balkans.


President Meloni addresses Chamber of Deputies ahead of European Council meeting on 21-22 March

20 Marzo 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, responded this morning to the points raised by the Chamber of Deputies following the general debate on the official communications regarding the European Council meeting to be held on 21 and 22 March.


President Meloni addresses Senate ahead of European Council meeting on 21-22 March

19 Marzo 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, today provided the Senate with the official communications regarding the European Council meeting to be held on 21 and 22 March, and responded to the points raised during the general discussion.


Statement by President Meloni on national day of remembrance for victims of the Coronavirus epidemic

18 Marzo 2024

The Covid-19 pandemic has left its mark on our recent history. More than four years have passed since the world was struck by the health crisis, and our nation paid a particularly high price. Today, we honour the memory of our compatriots who are no longer with us and our thoughts go out to their families and loved ones. The grief for so many lives lost is still an open wound.


Strengthening of EU-Egypt strategic partnership and implementation of Mattei Plan: President Meloni in Cairo

17 Marzo 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, visited Cairo today, together with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides, the Prime Minister of Belgium, Alexander De Croo, the Prime Minister of Greece, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, and the Federal Chancellor of Austria, Karl Nehammer, to strengthen the EU-Egypt strategic partnership.


President Meloni attends celebrations to mark Italy’s Unification, Constitution, National Anthem and Flag Day

17 Marzo 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended this morning’s wreath-laying ceremony with the Head of State at the Altare della Patria memorial in Rome, marking the national day to celebrate Italy’s unification, constitution, national anthem and flag. Today marks the 163rd anniversary of Italian unification.


Mattei Plan Steering Committee meets at Palazzo Chigi

15 Marzo 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, chaired the first meeting of the Mattei Plan Steering Committee at Palazzo Chigi today. The Committee’s duties are the following: to coordinate the Government’s work with African Nations; to finalise the Plan and keep it constantly up to date; to monitor implementation of the Plan; and, to approve the annual report to Parliament.


G7 Leaders’ statement on Iran

15 Marzo 2024

We reiterate our call on third parties to immediately cease providing material support to Russia’s illegal and unjustifiable war of aggression against Ukraine or face severe costs We are extremely concerned about reports that Iran is considering transferring ballistic missiles and related technology to Russia after having supplied the Russian regime with UAVs, which are used in relentless attacks against the civilian population in Ukraine ...