Il Governo

October 2024

(View from the most recent)

17 September 2023

President Meloni and President von der Leyen visit Lampedusa

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, visited the island of Lampedusa today, after which they issued statements to the press.

17 September 2023

President Meloni and President von der Leyen visit Lampedusa

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, visited the island of Lampedusa today, after which they issued statements to the press.

16 September 2023

President Meloni’s condolences following Frecce Tricolori accident

I am shocked by what happened at the Caselle aero club in Turin today, during an exercise by the Frecce Tricolori. The death of young Laura Origliasso following the terrible crash of an aircraft from the National Aerobatic Team is deeply upsetting and has left me speechless. Both personally and on behalf of the entire Government, I express sympathy and condolences to the family of the little girl who has died, and send best wishes for a speedy recovery to her parents and brother who were injured in this tragedy.

15 September 2023

President Meloni at Confindustria AGM

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni attended the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Confindustria, the Italian association of manufacturing and service companies, held at the ‘Ennio Morricone’ Parco della Musica Auditorium in Rome.

15 September 2023

Convocazione del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 50

Il Consiglio dei Ministri è convocato lunedì 18 settembre 2023, alle ore 12.30 a Palazzo Chigi, per l’esame del seguente ordine del giorno:

14 September 2023

Alluvione Emilia Romagna e Marche, riunione a Palazzo Chigi sullo stato di avanzamento dei lavori di ricostruzione

Si è tenuta questa mattina, a Palazzo Chigi, una riunione per fare il punto sullo stato di avanzamento dei lavori di ricostruzione dopo l’alluvione del maggio scorso che ha colpito i territori dell'Emilia Romagna e delle Marche. 

14 September 2023

Flooding in Emilia Romagna and Marche regions: meeting held at Palazzo Chigi on progress of reconstruction work

A meeting was held at Palazzo Chigi this morning to review the progress of reconstruction work following the flooding that hit the Emilia Romagna and Marche regions in May.

14 September 2023

President Meloni meets with Prime Minister Orbán of Hungary

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Prime Minister Viktor Orban met today in Budapest to discuss the main European and international issues and the excellent bilateral relations between Rome and Budapest. Commenting on the outcomes  of the Budapest Demographic Forum, they reiterated the importance of the value of the family also in view of the demographic challenge facing Europe.

14 September 2023

President Meloni in Budapest

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni delivered a speech at the Budapest Demographic Summit this morning, during the session ‘Family is the key to security’, held at the city’s Museum of Fine Arts.

14 September 2023

President Meloni in Budapest

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni delivered a speech at the Budapest Demographic Summit this morning, during the session ‘Family is the key to security’, held at the city’s Museum of Fine Arts. President Meloni later met with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, at the Carmelite Monastery.
