Il Governo

October 2024

(View from the most recent)

02 August 2023

Giubileo 2025, quarta riunione congiunta del Tavolo istituzionale e della Cabina di Coordinamento

Si è svolta oggi a Palazzo Chigi la quarta riunione congiunta del Tavolo istituzionale e della Cabina di Coordinamento Giubileo 2025, presieduta dal Sottosegretario Mantovano. Durante l’incontro è stato fatto un punto sullo stato di avanzamento dei lavori già iniziati, in attuazione di quanto concordato con il secondo Dpcm, firmato lo scorso 8 giugno. 

02 August 2023

Convocazione del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 46

Il Consiglio dei Ministri è convocato giovedì 3 agosto 2023, alle ore 18.00 a Palazzo Chigi, per l’esame del seguente ordine del giorno:

02 August 2023

President Meloni’s statement on anniversary of the Bologna train station bombing

On 2 August 1980, terrorism dealt Italy and its people one of its most ferocious blows. 43 years have gone by, but the violence of that terrible explosion, which devastated Bologna central station, killing 85 people and injuring more than two hundred others, still forcefully resonates in the nation’s heart and in its conscience. On the anniversary of the bombing, my first thoughts are with the relatives of the victims. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to them, as indeed do our most sincere thanks for the tenacity and determination they have put into the search for the truth, also through the associations that represent them, in constant contact with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

01 August 2023

Problema del servizio Taxi, nota di Palazzo Chigi

Il governo nei prossimi giorni affronterà il problema del servizio Taxi con una soluzione improntata all’efficienza e trasparenza nei confronti del cittadino, all’equità per i tassisti e al rispetto delle regole del mercato.

31 July 2023

Situazione in Niger, riunione a Palazzo Chigi

Si è svolta questo pomeriggio, a Palazzo Chigi, una riunione di aggiornamento e analisi della situazione in Niger. All'incontro, presieduto dal Presidente Giorgia Meloni, hanno partecipato il Vicepresidente del Consiglio e Ministro degli Affari Esteri Antonio Tajani, il Ministro della Difesa Guido Crosetto, il Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio Alfredo Mantovano e i vertici dell’Intelligence. L’Italia auspica una soluzione negoziale della crisi e la costituzione di un governo riconosciuto dalla comunità internazionale. Il Presidente del Consiglio, che viene costantemente informato sull’evoluzione della crisi, ha posto la massima attenzione sugli italiani presenti in Niger.

31 July 2023

Meeting held at Palazzo Chigi on situation in Niger

A meeting was held at Palazzo Chigi this afternoon for an update and analysis on the situation in Niger. The meeting, chaired by President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni, was attended by Vice-President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani, Minister of Defence Guido Crosetto, Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano and heads of the intelligence service. Italy wants a negotiated solution to the crisis and the formation of a government that is recognised by the international community. The President of the Council of Ministers, who is being kept constantly up to date about developments in the crisis, placed the utmost attention on the Italians present in Niger.

28 July 2023

President Meloni meets with Henry Kissinger in Washington

On the occasion of her visit to Washington, President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni had a long meeting today with Henry Kissinger at Villa Firenze, the official residence of the Italian Ambassador.
A two-hour meeting with “one of the brightest minds and a point of reference in strategic policy and diplomacy”.
President Meloni commented: “My thanks go to Henry Kissinger for the precious time he dedicated to me. It was a privilege and an honour to talk about contemporary issues with him”.

28 July 2023

PNRR, dichiarazione del Ministro Raffaele Fitto

Accogliamo con grande soddisfazione le decisioni prese oggi dalla Commissione europea ed esprimiamo anche grande apprezzamento per le parole della Presidente von der Leyen. La valutazione positiva della Commissione sulla terza richiesta di pagamento e la contemporanea proposta relativa alle modifiche di alcune misure della quarta rata, una volta approvata dagli Stati membri, consentiranno all’Italia di ricevere entro quest’anno il totale di 35 miliardi di euro previsti dal PNRR ...

28 July 2023

President Meloni in the United States

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, is visiting the United States of America on 27 and 28 July. Yesterday, she met with the leaders of the Senate political groups and, later, with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, at Capitol Hill. Following their meeting, President Meloni and Speaker McCarthy issued statements to the press.In the afternoon, President Meloni then met with the President of the United States of America, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., at the White House, after which she held a press conference at the Italian Embassy. Today, President Meloni visited Arlington National Cemetery, where she paid tribute at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

28 July 2023

Minister Raffaele Fitto’s statement on Italy’s NRRP

It is with great satisfaction that we welcome today’s decisions by the European Commission, and we also very much appreciate the words of President von der Leyen. The Commission’s positive assessment of our third payment request together with our amendment proposal for a number of measures regarding the fourth instalment, once approved by Member States, will allow Italy to receive the total of EUR 35 billion provided for by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) in 2023.
