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NRRP: third instalment (EUR 18.5 bn) paid today. Minister Fitto: "Positive assessment by the European Commission on the 54 objectives met”

9 October 2023

“The European Commission paid the third instalment of Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) today, amounting to EUR 18.5 billion”, stated the Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP, Raffaele Fitto. “Payment of the third instalment follows the Commission’s positive assessment of the 54 milestones and targets that have been met in line with the Plan. This assessment was then confirmed by EU Member States in the Economic and Financial Committee and in the subsequent RRF Committee”, continued the Minister.
“This payment of the third instalment shows the great progress that has been made in implementing the NRRP. With this payment, Italy has received a total of EUR 85.4 billion, corresponding to more than 44% of the overall NRRP amount. Today’s payment is also thanks to close and fruitful cooperation with the European Commission and is the result of a lot of hard work to reach very complex objectives regarding reforms in the areas of competition, justice, public administration and taxation, as well as in the field of education, the labour market and the national health system. This payment also concerns investments aimed at fostering the digital and green transition and supporting research, innovation and education”, explained Minister Fitto.
“Work on the NRRP will now continue unabated in order to obtain a positive assessment of both the payment request for the fourth instalment and the revision of the Plan, including the new REPowerEU chapter” concluded the Minister.

[Courtesy translation]
