English | Italiano

President Meloni’s press statement during her visit to Tunisia

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

I am happy to be here once again. This is my fourth visit as President of the Council of Ministers of Italy in approximately the last twelve months, confirming the new relationship that, together with President Saied, with whom it was a pleasure to meet today, we have established between two nations that are already historically very good friends, with Italy and Tunisia sharing close ties.

This relationship has also been strengthened through the personal relationship between myself and President Saied and it is a relationship that is also based on a completely new approach, an approach among equals, an approach based on our nations’ mutual interests. 

It is on the basis of this approach that I am here today together with a large delegation from the Italian Government - Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi, Minister of University and Research Anna Maria Bernini, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Edmondo Cirielli - to sign a number of important agreements with Tunisia.

These agreements demonstrate that this bilateral relationship is clearly political in nature, but is also made up of very concrete steps, of building blocks with which to construct our ideas. 

This once again also shows that cooperation with Tunisia is a top priority for Italy from many points of view, and also forms part of the work Italy is doing with its ‘Mattei Plan’, to build cooperation on an equal basis with nations of the African continent, cooperation that is finally beneficial for all.

We have brought this new approach to life and are working on this also at European Union level.

Today we signed three very important agreements: an agreement to directly support Tunisia’s budget in the sector of renewable energy and energy efficiency (energy is one of the areas where cooperation between Italy and Tunisia must continue to be strengthened); a new line of credit for Tunisian small and medium-sized enterprises; a framework agreement for cooperation in the university and higher education sectors.

Thanks also to Italy’s efforts, cooperation with Tunisia has also become a priority for the European Union. I am very proud of the work that also Italy has done, contributing to the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the European Union, which President Saied called a historic day in relations between Tunisia and the European Union and which laid the foundations to build the model for cooperation on an equal basis with countries in the wider Mediterranean region that the Italian Government had spent so much energy on and that has now become a paradigm of reference also for the European continent as a whole. 

I am of course very proud of this work, which is producing excellent results on many fronts. Many other agreements will be signed: over the coming weeks, Minister of Defence Guido Crosetto, Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano and Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditarra will also be here in Tunisia. There is therefore a continuous presence of the Italian Government.

This cooperation is producing many results: I am thinking, for example, of the issue of migration management, in relation to which I wish to once again thank the Tunisian authorities and President Saied for the work we are doing and are trying to do together against human traffickers. 

Clearly, we know that Tunisia cannot become the country of arrival for migrants arriving from the rest of Africa. Cooperation must certainly be strengthened on this; we want to involve international organisations and work on repatriations, but we also want to work above all on regular flows, as indeed we have done with Tunisia through a decree that allows approximately 12,000 Tunisian citizens with training to come to Italy legally. I believe Italy can do much more also on legal migration, but it is fundamental that we work together to continue fighting the ‘slave traders’ of the third millennium, the mafia organisations that think they can exploit the legitimate aspirations of those who want a better life in order to make easy money. 

We share this work with President Saied, we are working on it together, but this work also requires development for African countries, investment and all the work Italy continues to carry out above all with this new approach, which it is promoting also at European level.

I am therefore very pleased about today, I am very pleased about the agreements we have signed and I am very pleased about the upcoming visits by our Ministers that will lead to other agreements. This confirms a very important strategic relationship that is among Italy’s top priorities and sees us comprehensively working together at both bilateral and multilateral level.

[Courtesy translation]

17 April 2024

President Meloni visits the Republic of Tunisia

Following today’s signing ceremony for the agreements between Italy and Tunisia, the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, issued a press statement.

17 April 2024

President Meloni visits the Republic of Tunisia

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, travelled to the Republic of Tunisia today, where she met with the President of the Republic of Tunisia, Kais Saied. Following the signing ceremony for the agreements between Italy and Tunisia, President Meloni issued a press statement.

17 April 2024

President Meloni visits the Republic of Tunisia

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, travelled to the Republic of Tunisia today, where she met with the President of the Republic of Tunisia, Kais Saied, at the Presidential Palace of Carthage. In the margins of the meeting, President Meloni issued a press statement.

18 April 2024

Il Presidente Meloni al Consiglio europeo straordinario

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha partecipato a Bruxelles al Consiglio europeo straordinario. Al termine dei lavori ha tenuto un punto stampa.

17 April 2024

DPCM 10 aprile 2024, celebrazioni del Giubileo della Chiesa cattolica dell’anno 2025

DPCM 10 aprile 2024, recante l’approvazione della proposta di piano delle azioni di intervento connesse con le celebrazioni del Giubileo della Chiesa cattolica dell’anno 2025, ai sensi dell’articolo 1, comma 422, della legge 30 dicembre 2021, n. 234 e dell’articolo 1, comma 488, della legge 30 dicembre 2023, n. 213. “Progetto Accoglienza”. 

English | Italiano

Visita in Tunisia, le dichiarazioni alla stampa del Presidente Meloni

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Sono contenta ancora una volta di essere qui, questa è la mia quarta visita da Presidente del Consiglio italiano in un anno circa, a conferma del nuovo rapporto che con il Presidente Saied - che sono stata molto contenta di incontrare oggi - abbiamo instaurato tra due Nazioni che sono già storicamente molto amiche e molto legate come Italia e Tunisia.

È un rapporto che si è rafforzato anche attraverso la relazione personale tra me e il Presidente Saied ed è anche un rapporto che si basa su un approccio completamente nuovo, un approccio da pari a pari, un approccio che muove dal reciproco interesse delle nostre Nazioni. 

È sulla base di questo approccio che oggi sono qui insieme a una folta delegazione del Governo italiano - al Ministro degli interni Matteo Piantetosi, al Ministro dell'Università Anna Maria Bernini, al Vice Ministro degli esteri Edmondo Cirielli - per siglare con la Tunisia alcuni importanti Accordi. 

Accordi che raccontano come questa relazione bilaterale sia una relazione chiaramente politica, ma anche fatta di passi molto concreti, di mattoni attraverso i quali costruire le nostre idee.

E dimostra ancora una volta quanto la collaborazione con la Tunisia sia per l'Italia assolutamente una priorità da molti punti di vista ed è anche un tassello del lavoro che l'Italia sta portando avanti con il Piano Mattei per costruire con le Nazioni del Continente africano una cooperazione su base paritaria, una cooperazione che sia finalmente vantaggiosa per tutti. 

È un nuovo approccio al quale abbiamo dato vita, sul quale stiamo lavorando anche a livello di Unione europea. 

Oggi abbiamo firmato tre intese molto importanti: un accordo per il sostegno diretto al bilancio tunisino nel settore dell'energia rinnovabile e dell'efficienza energetica - l'energia è una delle materie sulle quali la cooperazione tra Italia e Tunisia deve continuarsi a rafforzare; una nuova linea di credito a favore delle piccole e medie imprese tunisine; una intesa quadro per la cooperazione nel settore dell'università, nel settore dell'alta formazione.

La collaborazione con la Tunisia, anche grazie all'impegno italiano, è diventata anche una priorità per l'Unione europea. E sono molto fiera del lavoro che anche l'Italia ha portato avanti e che ha contribuito alla firma del Memorandum con l'Unione europea, che è stata definita dal Presidente Saied una giornata storica per le relazioni tra la Tunisia e l'Unione europea, e ha gettato le basi per costruire quel modello di cooperazione paritario con i Paesi del Mediterraneo allargato, su cui il Governo italiano aveva investito così tante energie, che oggi è diventato un paradigma di riferimento anche per il Continente europeo nel suo complesso. 

Chiaramente sono molto fiera di questo lavoro, è un lavoro che sta dando ottimi risultati su molti fronti. Molti altri e molte altre intese verranno firmate: nelle prossime settimane saranno presenti qui in Tunisia anche il Ministro della difesa Guido Crosetto, il Ministro della cultura Gennaro Sangiuliano, il Ministro dell'istruzione Giuseppe Valditara. Quindi c'è una presenza costante del Governo italiano.

Questa cooperazione porta molti risultati: penso, ad esempio, al tema della gestione della migrazione, sul quale voglio ancora una volta ringraziare le autorità tunisine e il Presidente Saied per un lavoro che insieme portiamo avanti e cerchiamo di portare avanti contro i trafficanti di esseri umani.

Chiaramente noi sappiamo che la Tunisia non può diventare il Paese di arrivo dei migranti che arrivano dal resto dell’Africa. Su questo va sicuramente rafforzata la cooperazione, vogliamo coinvolgere le organizzazioni internazionali, lavorare sui rimpatri, ma vogliamo lavorare anche e soprattutto sui flussi regolari, così come abbiamo fatto con la Tunisia, con un decreto flussi che consente a circa 12.000 cittadini tunisini formati di poter venire legalmente in Italia. E credo che si possa fare anche sul fronte di una migrazione legale molto di più da parte dell'Italia, ma è fondamentale che insieme lavoriamo per continuare a combattere gli schiavisti del terzo millennio, le organizzazioni della mafia che pensano di poter sfruttare le legittime aspirazioni di chi vorrebbe una vita migliore per fare soldi facili.

È un lavoro che con il Presidente Saied condividiamo, che stiamo portando avanti insieme, ma è anche un lavoro che necessita di sviluppo per i Paesi africani, che necessita di investimenti, che necessita di tutto il lavoro che l'Italia continua a portare avanti soprattutto con questo nuovo approccio di cui si è fatta promotrice anche in ambito europeo. 

Quindi sono molto contenta di questa giornata, molto contenta delle Intese che abbiamo firmato e molto contenta delle prossime visite dei Ministri che porteranno ad altre Intese, a conferma di un rapporto strategico molto importante, al quale l'Italia rivolge una delle sue massime priorità e che ci vede a livello bilaterale, ma anche a livello multilaterale, lavorare insieme a 360 gradi.

17 April 2024

Visita del Presidente Meloni nella Repubblica Tunisina

Al termine della cerimonia di firma di accordi tra Italia e Tunisia, il Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni rilasciato le dichiarazioni alla stampa.

17 April 2024

Visita del Presidente Meloni nella Repubblica Tunisina

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, in visita nella Repubblica Tunisina, ha incontrato il Presidente della Repubblica tunisina, Kais Saied. A seguire la cerimonia di firma di accordi e le dichiarazioni alla stampa a margine dell'incontro.

English | Italiano

President Meloni’s speech at ‘Per un’Europa giovane. Transizione demografica, ambiente, futuro’ event

Friday, 12 April 2024

[The following video is available in Italian only]

Good morning. 

Thanks to Minister Roccella for her determination in organising this conference dedicated to demography. This was not a given, as is the case with many other things we are doing; I sincerely believe that this conference initiative, bringing together so many influential figures to discuss this issue, is very important indeed. I also believe it is very important to involve the necessary key players in this debate: certainly the European Union, represented here today by Commission Vice-President Šuica and Commissioner Dalli, whom I of course wish to thank for their very important participation; then there are also representatives from Italy’s Government, Regions and Municipalities in attendance, as well as the OECD, foundations, and, of course, renowned experts in this field, whom I wish to greet and thank and who play a particularly important role in understanding which instruments can and must be considered the best, in concrete terms, in order to tackle this issue. 

I believe today’s conference is extremely important as it gives us a wider perspective on an issue that everyone knows is a top priority for this Government. In our view, the demographic challenge, the birth rate and economic sustainability, which is linked to these factors, are one of the most important challenges, quite simply because we do not want to settle for managing the present: there is no point managing the present if we do not also secure the future. 

This is the fundamental issue that concerns a Government’s responsibility to guarantee a future for its nation. I am proud of this, as I believe that what the Government is doing and its approach in addressing these issues represents a fundamental step change with respect to the past. I think it was about time Italy had a Government brave enough to address demography and the birth rate as priority challenges that need to be dealt with across the board regarding all the Government’s actions. 

It was about time there was a Government brave enough to say: we can introduce the best reforms possible for Italy, we can invest resources, we can make important choices. However, all of this will be for nothing unless we can reverse the dramatic downward trend in the birth rate that is undermining our nation’s positive development potential, and this is not just the case for our nation.

This was not the case for a long time before we came to office; Italy seemed to be falling, let’s say, into the quicksand that is the ‘myth’ surrounding a falling birth rate, which was talked about as if it somehow symbolised freedom and a cultural approach that was generally hostile to the family (we have to say it like it is).

Clearly, there are not just cultural factors at the root of this problem; there are many economic and social factors too. The younger generations are scared about the future, which is a future of uncertain employment prospects and job insecurity. People tend to wait to have financial stability and a steady job before starting a family but, in many cases, by the time that stability arrives, if it arrives, it is too late.

This is of course why policies regarding the labour market, home-owners and support for young couples are of crucial importance and that is what this Government is working on. This morning you have already heard about many of the Government’s initiatives and the initial measures we have taken. I shan’t go over this again as I don’t want to repeat things, but I do want to reiterate that no concrete measure will ever be enough unless we reverse the narrative that has surrounded this issue in the past. 

For decades, the dominant culture said that having a child was likely to be incompatible with many other choices; that having a child compromised your freedom, your career, your dreams and in some cases even your beauty; a choice that basically took something away from you or risked taking away much more than it would give you. So, in the end, a choice that was perhaps preferable not to make.

For decades, there were the affirmations of ‘bad teachers’ (sometimes in actual teaching posts) stating that parenthood was old-fashioned, an archaic concept, a patriarchal concept that needed to be overcome, or even fought, and that needed to be replaced with new values.

In recent years, it has even crazily been argued that having a child means doing something that is bad for the environment. It is more sustainable not to have children, or perhaps only to have one at the most because people and the environment are apparently enemies and, if we care about the environment, then we should give up on humans and thereby reduce the carbon footprint produced by children. I believe that these rather surreal theories, both old and new, risk dragging Italy and Europe to the brink of disaster, leading us to believe that we should pursue an ideal of ‘happy degrowth’ applied also to the birth rate. The problem is that degrowth is never ‘happy’ and, if you apply it to the birth rate and demography, it risks jeopardising any possible future and undermining the very foundations on which our welfare system is based, breaking that generational pact that nations have always needed to exist and prosper.

We could have gone along with this dominant school of thought, throwing ourselves into the abyss of a demographic ice age too; we could have surrendered to the idea that our nation is, after all, destined to disappear. Our other choice was to reiterate what we have been saying for a long time now: that decline is never a destiny. Decline is always a choice. It is a choice that can be overturned, by rolling up our sleeves and preventing that decline, rebuilding a family-friendly society that supports the birth rate. A society where being a father is not out of fashion and where being a mother does not have to be a private choice but rather a value that is recognised and supported by society, a choice to be protected, safeguarded and incentivised. 

We have made our choice, which was a clear choice resulting from a clear vision: we have chosen to take on the demographic challenge and to centre our work around it. Hence why there is now a ministry dedicated to the birth rate for the first time in this nation’s history, and this is not just about the wording of its name. This is the beginning of our work: in everything the Government does, we of course want the birth rate to be talked about, but we above all want action to be taken.

Despite the now well-known budget difficulties we inherited from irresponsible governments before us, we have made very important efforts on this issue also in terms of resources. In a year and a half, this Government has already earmarked EUR 2.5 billion in direct investments for families and the birth rate, plus related structural measures. This means total net benefits for Italian families worth more than EUR 16 billion in 2024 alone. Of course, we are not the ones saying this but the Parliamentary Budget Office, which is known for being rather strict when it comes to validating measures and their impact on society.

However, as I was saying, we have at the same time been working, with courage and clarity, on the cultural aspect, and indeed are continuing to do so also through this initiative, because there is no point making resources available if society then does not have the fertile ground to make best use of them. There is therefore also a need to overturn the narrative that led to this issue not being considered a priority in the past, also to explain to citizens why we believe the trend needs to be reversed.

When you govern a nation, you always have to remember that the resources you’re managing do not belong to you but to the citizens, and, when you spend that money, you have to explain why you are spending it, what your vision is, what your goal is. This is something we try to do all the time because that is the basis on which citizens then have to decide whether or not you have done your job well. 
I therefore believe that, as I was saying, the cultural aspect underlying this issue is very important. I believe that, at the root of it all, a misguided concept of freedom has been fed to us. I do not believe freedom is having to give up on having children in order to have a career, just as freedom is not about giving up a career in order to have children. Freedom is being able to do both without being afraid, knowing that society, the State and institutions will support you, because they recognise the value of the effort involved and how important that choice is for society as a whole.

This is the message we are trying to send out, this is the Italy we want to build, despite (and I am saying this with my usual frankness) all the controversy that, as we are aware, comes up (in my view incredibly) whenever we try to talk about this issue. 

With regard to such a complex matter requiring so many measures, it will clearly only be possible for everyone to begin judging the results once we have completed our government programme. I do however think that we are already seeing some signs. Take employment figures for example: we have reached a record level of female employment, exceeding the mark of 10 million female workers for the first time in Italy. This is of course thanks above all to our companies and our economic system because, also in this regard, we must always remember that it is not the State that creates wealth or abolishes poverty, creating jobs with decrees: the State can create the conditions for this to happen, but it is workers who produce wealth and help us combat poverty. It is companies and their workers. 

Positive signs can certainly make a difference: deciding to earmark a good deal of the few resources available in order to address this issue, especially with regard to the matter of working mothers, sending out a signal that you are therefore not forced to choose, the matter of reducing taxes for working mothers with a certain number of children, the matter of work-life balance, supporting nursery schools, free preschool care for second-born children and the work we have done with the NRRP [National Recovery and Resilience Plan] to guarantee these facilities, the matter of parental leave that we have extended in our two budget laws, adding the opportunity and the possibility to be able to look after your children also and above all if you have a job. These are all signals that send out precisely this message.

These two choices are not incompatible, these two choices do not need to be incompatible. For too long now, we have accepted that that was the way things were, but we cannot simply accept things we don’t like. We must work to overturn what we do not like and that is what we are trying to do. 

Also in this regard, it must however be said that it has at times been implied that ensuring equal opportunities is somehow the same as cancelling out differences. That’s not how I see it; I think the exact opposite. I think that guaranteeing equal opportunities means making sure that men and women have the same possibility to achieve fulfilment in terms of their career, pay, aspirations and freedom, being aware of individual differences. Being a parent obviously means taking on responsibility that must be equally shared, but this cannot and must not mean cancelling out the specific nature of the mother’s and the father’s relationship. Unless we start from here, we will not find the key to seriously address and resolve this issue.

That said, we are all aware of the controversy: even only talking about ‘fathers’ and ‘mothers’ in today’s society can sometimes seem almost revolutionary. Doing so tends to make you seem rather retro, at a time when some go so far as to deny that bringing a child into the world requires a man and a woman and, when faced with the facts, they think they can resolve the matter by perhaps fuelling a transnational market that exploits the bodies of poor women and turns children into a commodity, passing this off as an act of love or an act of freedom. As you know, I am used to always saying what I think and, in my view, unreasonable things do not become reasonable just because lots of people repeat them. No one can convince me that it is an act of freedom to rent out your womb; no one can convince me that it is an act of love to consider children to be like an over-the-counter product in a supermarket. It is not an act of love to turn the legitimate, extremely legitimate, desire to have a child into a right that you can secure for yourself through any means possible. This is why I continue to believe, for example, that surrogacy is inhuman and I support the proposed law to make it a ‘universal crime’, meaning you can be prosecuted in Italy even if this is committed abroad. A parliamentary proposal on this is being discussed by our Parliament and I hope it will be approved as soon as possible. 

Allow me to also say something else regarding the controversial stories I sometimes read in the national press, and also in the international press. I would like to take this opportunity to dispel another myth and another skewed narrative. In Italy, and this is something that has been certified by the court system at all levels, as well as by the European Court of Human Rights, there is not a single child who is not guaranteed full rights, because this is provided for in our Constitution and so, quite simply, it could not be otherwise. We want to continue guaranteeing those rights, we want to move forward and guarantee also the fundamental right to an origin, an identity, a family.

Now, however, the challenge of a declining birth rate is not something that is only affecting us here in Italy; it is a major challenge for Europe as a whole because declining birth rates are a European problem, not just a European problem but certainly a European problem, certainly a western problem. There is unfortunately not a single European nation that reaches the so-called replacement rate, i.e., the number of children per woman needed to guarantee population continuity. This is why I am particularly honoured to welcome the representatives of the European Commission here today, because Italy can certainly do a lot, but I also think Europe can do a lot too. 

Now that European elections are drawing closer and there is finally a debate involving all of us about what hasn’t worked, what must be done better, what needs to change, what are the challenges Europe must focus on in an international context that is far from simple, this issue needs to be addressed in good time and also on the basis of past experience, Vice-President, in order to understand what more can be done to support European nations with regard to a subject that underlies so many of the other issues we are facing. 

We are of course aware that Italy, let’s say, is one of the nations that has fallen significantly behind in this regard, but I think it is clear to see how determined this Government is to focus precisely on the issue of demography, as indeed it is doing. We are coming up with solutions and gradually implementing them, but clearly if the old continent does not want to be, let’s say, historically labelled as such and does not want to become an old continent in the future, then it needs to give serious, concrete and determined responses. 

It is clearly our hope but it is also our commitment to work in this direction, because this concerns Europe’s soul, its identity and the very purpose of its existence and, in much more concrete terms, it is also about balancing the budget, which is something we have been discussing at European level for a very long time now and something that Europe always pays a great deal of attention to, because if it is true that declining birth rates cause intangible consequences, it is also true that they have huge implications for the sustainability of social spending, the organisation of services, support for vulnerable people and labour market resilience. In other words, if we do not restore the balance between the working population and the members of the population requiring assistance, then quite simply it will be our own public finance systems that will become unsustainable in just a few years’ time. 

Hence why I believe that public spending to support the birth rate, to support services, help for families and the work-life balance, can and must be considered a productive investment, more than any other areas of spending, because it is an investment in the very resilience of our social system. And when I say our social system I also mean our civilisation, because we are globally recognised for the ability we had to build the welfare system we boast today, but we will not have other instruments to maintain that welfare system unless we make the investments we can. 

I therefore think that, sooner or later, Europe as a whole must ask itself, for example, how investments in the birth rate should be considered; there is great debate on how to consider spending. Also in this regard, we have always said to ourselves that the issue is not simply spending or not spending resources, the issue is what you spend resources on and what kind of multiplier effect each kind of spending has. Current spending and investments are not the same thing and do not give the same multiplier effect over the medium term, and this is something we must always bear in mind. In this case we are talking about ‘good’ expenditure: an investment with a very high multiplier effect, and so it cannot be considered in the same way as many other spending items in our budgets.

It will be increasingly difficult to ensure balance for a financial year, or over a given four-year period, if the entire system becomes unsustainable or, in other words, if we don’t dedicate ourselves to that ‘next generation’ that formed the basis for post-pandemic recovery programmes, looking precisely to the future generations. You can look to the future generations if the future generations exist, otherwise we can use whatever name we like but we won’t get the result we want. 

I mentioned the elections and the debate surrounding the elections. I can say that, in the Italian Government’s view, one of the great revolutions that tomorrow’s Europe must ensure regards precisely this: finally providing strong and determined support to tackle the demographic challenge with concrete instruments. We have already proposed this and will do so even more strongly in the next parliamentary term.

We clearly wouldn’t be able to do this unless we first set a good example here too. Minister Roccella and Minister Fitto who spoke before me have had the chance to explain our approach to these issues, the work we are doing, our concrete measures and how we are trying to use also the European resources we have available (from the NRRP resources through to cohesion funds) in the best way possible, precisely in order to set a good example. These resources are very important and are key for Italy, but have not always been used in full or in the best way possible; they have not always been focused on the strategic measures they are meant for. 

Also in this regard, we think that supporting the birth rate, especially in areas with a higher rate of depopulation, is strategic and resources need to be focused on this. Many of these resources can be focused on these goals. Cohesion funds are the best example of resources addressing regional disparities, therefore concerning the areas at greatest risk of depopulation. These two things can go together if we manage to focus and spend those resources well. This is something we did, for example, when we dealt with the nursery school plan: a EUR 3 billion investment that was also kept after the revision of our NRRP and will enable us to create 2,600 nursery schools. 

However, I believe it is also important to work to use other sources of funding. I am thinking of the European Social Fund Plus, together with the Recovery and Resilience Facility; other entities, other funds, other instruments that could provide key resources to address the demographic challenge.

In conclusion, we are here and are ready to spend our energy at international level, so anyone interested in this subject should know that they can always call the Italian Government to ask for help on this, simply because, if we don’t do this, ladies and gentlemen, everything else we work so hard to achieve every day will at the most get us some immediate support, will at the most allow us to ‘get by’ for the next few months, perhaps even a whole term, but I think that any serious politician with a conscience cannot govern their people and their nation unless they also ask themselves what they will be leaving behind, unless they also ask themselves whether, towards the end of this path (let’s hope in many years’ time), they will be able to look back and also look at themselves in the mirror and be proud of the work they have done. 

I believe this is one of those issues that establishes whether or not you are able to do politics as I understand politics. This is therefore an issue we are very focused on, because our past depends on it, as this will only live on for as long as there are children who parents and grandparents can pass their culture and traditions on to; our present depends on it, as a young population means innovation, employment, energy and inventiveness; and clearly our future depends on it, as without children that future simply won’t exist.
You can count on us.

Thank you and I wish you all the best with your work.

[Courtesy translation]
