30 November 2023

Statement by Palazzo Chigi on the sending of humanitarian aid to the civilian population in Gaza

Italy has been active in sending humanitarian aid to the civilian population in Gaza since day one. In agreement with key partners in the region and with Israel, Italy has sent two flights containing humanitarian supplies from the United Nations logistics base in Brindisi, as well as the Italian Navy hospital ship the ‘Vulcano’, in particular to help treat injured children in Gaza, which is expected to dock at the port of Al Arish in Egypt in the coming days (on 3 December). 

30 November 2023

Invio di aiuti umanitari verso la popolazione civile di Gaza, nota di Palazzo Chigi

L’Italia sin dal primo giorno si è attivata nell’invio di aiuti umanitari verso la popolazione civile di Gaza. In accordo con i principali partner della regione e d’intesa con Israele, l’Italia ha inviato due voli di materiale umanitario, proveniente dalla base logistica delle Nazioni Unite di Brindisi, e la nave Vulcano, una nave ospedale della Marina militare, in particolare per la cura dei minori feriti a Gaza, che si prevede attracchi nei prossimi giorni (3 dicembre) nel porto di Al Arish in Egitto.

02 December 2023

President Meloni at COP28 Summit

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, participated in the 28th United Nations climate change conference (COP28) in Dubai on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 December.

30 November 2023

Campagna di comunicazione contro la violenza sulle donne “1522. Non sei Sola”

La campagna di comunicazione istituzionale “1522. Non sei Sola” promossa dal Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità in collaborazione con il Dipartimento per lo Sport e i Giovani e prodotta dal Dipartimento per l’informazione e l’editoria in occasione del 25 novembre, Giornata internazionale per l’eliminazione della violenza contro le donne, ha come obiettivo la diffusione della conoscenza del numero di pubblica utilità 1522, strumento in grado di rompere il silenzio e l’isolamento causati dalla violenza e di supportare le donne fornendo loro aiuto e sostegno.

28 November 2023

Meeting of the Interministerial Committee for Cybersecurity

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, chaired a meeting of the Interministerial Committee for Cybersecurity (‘Comitato Interministeriale per la Cybersicurezza’, ‘CIC’) today, attended by Undersecretary of State Alfredo Mantovano, delegated authority for the security of the Republic, and by central government administrations with responsibilities for cybersecurity. The CIC’s composition and duties are defined in the decree-law that established the National Cybersecurity Agency (‘Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale’, ‘ACN’). During today’s meeting, the committee assessed the current state of cybersecurity in light of the delicate international geopolitical situation with regard to the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, following which there has been an increase in cyberattacks and hackers also targeting institutional websites.

30 November 2023

President Meloni’s condolence message on the passing of Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger was a point of reference in strategic policy and global diplomacy. It was a privilege to have recently had the opportunity to discuss various issues on the international agenda with him. We are saddened by his passing and I express my personal condolences and those of the Italian Government to his family and loved ones.

30 November 2023

Il cordoglio del Presidente Meloni per la scomparsa di Kissinger

Henry Kissinger è stato un punto di riferimento della politica strategica e della diplomazia mondiale. È stato un privilegio aver avuto, di recente, la possibilità di confrontarmi con lui sui vari temi all'ordine del giorno dell'agenda internazionale. La sua scomparsa ci rattrista ed esprimo il mio cordoglio personale e del Governo italiano alla sua famiglia e ai suoi cari.

02 December 2023

Il Presidente Meloni al Vertice COP28

Il Presidente  Giorgia Meloni, venerdì 1 e sabato 2 dicembre, ha partecipato a Dubai ai lavori della Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici. 

28 November 2023

Cutro shipwreck: Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Ministry of the Interior join the criminal proceedings as civil claimants

Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano has instructed the State Attorney General’s Office to join the criminal proceedings following the shipwreck that occurred off the coast of Cutro on 26 February 2023, representing the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of the Interior as civil claimants. This decision was made considering the extremely serious nature of the incident, which caused the death of at least 94 migrants as well as a high number of missing persons...

English | Italiano

Endorsement of fourth NRRP instalment payment: President Meloni’s video message

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni’s video message following the European Commission’s endorsement of Italy’s fourth payment request.

[The following video is available in Italian only]

The European Commission has today endorsed Italy’s fourth payment request, worth EUR 16.5 billion, confirming that Italy has achieved all the 28 milestones and targets required.

The European Commission’s positive assessment shows the great progress made by Italy and, coming just a few days after the European Commission’s approval of the overall revision of our National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), confirms the Government’s major commitment to fully implement the NRRP and make the country more modern and more competitive.

The milestones and targets achieved for the fourth instalment concern important reforms in the fields of social inclusion and public procurement, as well as measures needed to continue the implementation of justice and public administration reforms. The main investments covered by the payment request relate to digitalisation, with particular regard to the transition of local public administrations’ data to the cloud, development of the space industry, green hydrogen, transport, research, education and social policies.

The payment of EUR 16.5 billion is expected by the end of this year, meaning Italy will have received approximately EUR 102 billion by the end of 2023, which is over half the total amount of its National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Italy will also be the only European Union Member State to have already received payment of the fourth instalment.

This confirms the great amount of work done by the Government, all institutional levels and the NRRP Steering Committee to ensure these resources will be implemented in full and on time.

[Courtesy translation]
