31 July 2024

Incontro tra Governo e rappresentanti degli ordini professionali

Si è tenuta questo pomeriggio, nella Sala Verde di Palazzo Chigi, una riunione tra il Governo e i rappresentanti nazionali di ventotto ordini professionali.

01 August 2024

President Meloni in Paris for 2024 Olympics

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, visited Casa Italia at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games today, and went on to watch Italian athletes compete in some of the afternoon’s events.

02 August 2024

President Meloni meets with IOC President Bach

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met today with the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, in Paris. The meeting centred around an exchange of views on how the Games are proceeding and on the progress of preparations for the Milano-Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics. During their face-to-face meeting, President Meloni and IOC head Bach also addressed the case of athlete Imane Khelif and the issue of having rules to ensure fairness in sporting competitions. They agreed that the Italian Government and the International Olympic Committee would remain in contact to assess how to deal with this matter in the future.

02 August 2024

President Meloni in Paris for 2024 Olympics

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met with the President of the IOC, Thomas Bach, this morning, during the Paris 2024 Olympics. Yesterday, President Meloni visited Casa Italia where she met with athletes competing at the Games, before going on to watch the Italian women’s volleyball team play the Netherlands, followed by Alice Bellandi winning the gold medal in judo.

02 August 2024

Incontro del Presidente Meloni con il Presidente del CIO Bach

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha incontrato a Parigi il Presidente del Comitato Olimpico Internazionale (CIO), Thomas Bach. Al centro del colloquio uno scambio di vedute sull’andamento dei Giochi e sullo stato di preparazione delle Olimpiadi invernali di Milano-Cortina 2026. 
Nel corso del faccia a faccia, è stato affrontato anche il caso dell’atleta Imane Khelif e il tema delle regole per garantire equità nelle gare sportive. Il Presidente Meloni e il numero uno del CIO Bach hanno concordato che Governo e Comitato Olimpico Internazionale rimarranno in contatto per valutare come affrontare la questione per il futuro.

01 August 2024

Procedura di stabilizzazione del personale non dirigenziale in servizio presso la PCM per l’attuazione degli interventi del PNRR da inquadrare nei ruoli non dirigenziali della PCM, Categoria AF1

Procedura di stabilizzazione a tempo indeterminato e pieno del personale non dirigenziale a tempo determinato in servizio presso la Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri e reclutato per l’attuazione degli interventi del PNRR da inquadrare nei ruoli non dirigenziali della Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri, Categoria A, posizione economica F1. Esiti colloqui selettivi del 1° agosto 2024.

01 August 2024

Seduta del CIPESS del 1 agosto 2024

Nella seduta odierna, il Comitato interministeriale per la programmazione economica e lo sviluppo sostenibile (CIPESS), presieduto in apertura dal Ministro della cultura Gennaro SANGIULIANO e a seguire dal Vice Presidente del Comitato e Ministro dell’economia e delle finanze Giancarlo GIORGETTI, con la presenza del Segretario del CIPESS, Sottosegretario di Stato alla Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri Alessandro MORELLI, ha approvato una serie di provvedimenti in materia di infrastrutture, politiche di coesione e ricostruzione post sisma Abruzzo 2009. 

English | Italiano

President Meloni’s speech at the Beijing World Art Museum

Monday, 29 July 2024

[The following video is available in Italian only]

Good afternoon everyone, thank you for being here. I am very happy to have the opportunity, together with Minister Sun Yeli, whom I thank, to officially open this wonderful exhibition dedicated to Marco Polo on the 700th anniversary of his death.
I also wish to thank the exceptional artists who accompanied us, treating us to another important piece of our extraordinary culture. Marco Polo was one of the greatest Italians of all time. During his epic life, he built bridges between East and West, influencing for centuries the view us Europeans and Westerners had of Asia, and particularly of China. 

As the title of this exhibition reads, Marco Polo’s was not just a physical journey along the ancient Silk Road, but was above all a cultural journey, a journey of ideas, a journey of discovery, a journey of knowledge.
Marco Polo brought that wealth of knowledge back with him, contributing to altering people’s perception of the Chinese Empire in Italy and Europe, at a time when distances were so great they could seem unbridgeable.  
His book ‘The Travels of Marco Polo’ talked about China and went on to become much more than just a travel diary. Those pages became a window, a portal to a culture that only few Europeans could imagine at the time. Marco Polo charted a path leading from Italy to China, and from his time to ours.

The journey may have seemed easier at times, while at others more uphill, but ever since then that path has always remained navigable. And I believe it is now up to us to create together the conditions to keep it that way, to allow the economic, scientific and cultural relations that form the basis of cooperation between our two nations to continue on their journey along that path. Two age-old civilisations, both aware that they have a dual mission: on the one hand, to treasure the extraordinary legacy of our forefathers, and, on the other, to carry on that legacy and heritage both now and in the future, also making them a basis and inspiration to achieve new milestones.

Defending what we are is also the most effective way we have of understanding others. And understanding others is key to better address the major global challenges of these complex times. As the Minister was saying, our deep relationship is reflected in the bas-relief behind us, which is dedicated to the thousands of years of China’s history (very generally speaking, of course, as such a long and complex history could never be enclosed in a single room). As the Minister mentioned, only two foreigners are depicted in that bas-relief and in that story, both of whom are Italian: one is Marco Polo and the other is Matteo Ricci. 
While Marco Polo introduced China to Westerners, Matteo Ricci helped the people of China broaden their horizon and understand Europe and the West.
This is enough to understand how deeply valuable Italy-China relations are. I must therefore thank all the Italian and Chinese institutions that have contributed to this exhibition: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Italian Embassy, the Cultural Institute, Treccani, the Municipality of Beijing, the World Art Museum, as well as the many museums that have made their collections available, and of course all those who have supported this project, many of whom are here today.

As you know, this is not the only initiative Italy has launched to celebrate the great Marco Polo. The Ministry of Culture has set up a national committee for commemorations that is taking care of the various initiatives being held both in Italy and abroad, starting with the upcoming transfer of the wonderful exhibition currently on display at the Doge’s Palace in Venice to the Shanghai Museum in November. This exhibition chronicles the extraordinary journey described in ‘The Travels of Marco Polo’.

I have already explained the historical reasons why we are celebrating Marco Polo seven centuries after his death, but I think we are also essentially paying tribute to this man for the life lesson he left us, because if Marco Polo hadn’t dared embark on a journey that until then was considered unimaginable, impossible and beyond reach, if he hadn’t braved the unknown, then history would probably have turned out differently.

So, we are above all commemorating Marco Polo to remind ourselves that, in the end, we are the ones who make history, especially when we’re not afraid to take risks, when we follow our beliefs, when we don’t let ourselves be influenced by the limits that others believe in. This is true for everyone, now and always.

On this basis, I do not think that remembrance without action has much value in the end. Courage and daring were what created the centuries-old bond that unites our two nations, and so I also think the best way to celebrate that history, those events and this anniversary seven centuries on is to make that bond, which is first and foremost a cultural bond based on respect, even stronger, and that is what we are here to do with our visit.

My sincere thanks therefore go to everyone; thanks to all the authorities that have worked on this initiative, thanks to the Minister and thanks to the Government for their warm welcome over the last few days.

I wish you all the best with your work.

[Courtesy translation]

01 August 2024

Olimpiadi di Parigi 2024, visita a Casa Italia e alle gare degli atleti azzurri

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, in visita a Casa Italia in occasione delle Olimpiadi di Parigi 2024. In seguito ha assistito ad alcune gare degli atleti azzurri.

Data Consiglio dei Ministri: 24 May 2024

DELIBERA DEL CONSIGLIO DEI MINISTRI: Proroga dello stato di emergenza per intervento all'estero in conseguenza degli accadimenti in atto nei territori della Repubblica Araba di Egitto a seguito dell'afflusso di profughi da Gaza
