15 July 2023

President Meloni’s statement on renewal of CCNL for school staff

I wish to thank Minister of Education and Merit Valditara and Minister for Public Administration Zangrillo for the great efforts made to reach an agreement with trade unions on the renewal of the ‘CCNL’ [national collective labour agreement] for school staff. This result confirms the Government’s attention and represents a significant step forward in giving back status and dignity to those who serve what is a crucial sector for the present and future of our nation.

18 July 2023

Terzo vertice UE-CELAC

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha partecipato a Bruxelles al Terzo vertice UE-CELAC.

14 July 2023

Undersecretary of State Mantovano meets with Deputy Secretary of the United States Treasury Adeyemo

Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano met today with the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America, Adewale Adeyemo, at Palazzo Chigi. The long and cordial meeting focused on sanctions against Russia, financial relations and the security of investments, the agenda of the upcoming G7 Presidency and relations with the Global South, in particular with North Africa.

16 July 2023

President Meloni, President von der Leyen and Prime Minister Rutte in Tunisia

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, together with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, met with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tunisia, Najla Bouden, and with the President of the Republic of Tunisia, Kais Saied, in Tunis today. During the visit, the EU-Tunisia Memorandum of Understanding was signed and, afterwards, the leaders issued joint statements to the press.

16 July 2023

Launch of the Rome-Pompei Frecciarossa rail link and visit to the archaeological site

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni, together with Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano, participated in this morning’s maiden journey of the Rome-Pompei Frecciarossa, the new direct rail link created thanks to the collaboration between the Ministry of Culture and Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane [Italian state railway company]. After arriving in Pompei, they visited the archaeological site.

16 July 2023

Launch of the Rome-Pompei Frecciarossa rail link and visit to the archaeological site

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni’s doorsteps on the occasion of the maiden journey of the Rome-Pompei Frecciarossa train and her visit to the archaeological area.

16 July 2023

Launch of the Rome-Pompei Frecciarossa rail link

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni, together with Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano, participated in this morning’s maiden journey of the Rome-Pompei Frecciarossa, the new direct rail link created thanks to the collaboration between the Ministry of Culture and Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane [Italian state railway company].  President Meloni addressed journalists both upon her arrival in Pompei and following the visit to the archaeological site.

16 July 2023

President Meloni, President von der Leyen and Prime Minister Rutte in Tunisia

The press statements by President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni, President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Mark Rutte and President of the Republic of Tunisia Kais Saied, following their meeting in Tunis.

English | Italiano

President Meloni's press statement in Tunis

Sunday, 16 July 2023

Thank you very much, good evening.

Today we achieved a very important goal. This new meeting with President Saied along with Ursula von der Leyen and Mark Rutte has also come about thanks to the great diplomatic work carried out by everyone with patience and foresight.

So, thank you very much, President Saied. Thank you very much, Ursula, for your tireless work on that. Thank you very much, Mark, for your help on this very important goal.
We are very pleased with the Memorandum of Understanding signed today in Tunis by the EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, Olivér Várhelyi, whom I want to thank too, and the Secretary of State of [Tunisia].
This is another important step towards the creation of a true partnership of Tunisia with the European Union, that can address the migration crisis and development for both sides of the Mediterranean in an integrated manner.

Italian diplomacy has worked with the utmost commitment to achieve this result. 
After the Team Europe mission to Tunis last June 11, there was the European Council of June 29-30, where we worked on conclusions that reflect the level of ambition that Europe has today in its external dimension towards the southern shore of the Mediterranean.

The partnership with Tunisia has to be considered as a model for building new relations with North African neighbours.
All this a few months ago would have been unthinkable, and I want to say that with a level of pride but also with a level of gratitude to the European Union and to President Saied.

It was a very important team effort that, from tomorrow, must continue with the same level of determination regarding the implementation in the different articulations of the Memorandum.
We, as Italy, are ready to give our maximum support.

Finally, allow me to make a reference to the upcoming international conference on migration and development in Rome next Sunday, which will have President Saied as a protagonist in an initiative that he also promoted and that we see as a further step in this journey we have undertaken together.
It will be participated by many Mediterranean Heads of State and Government, and I’m sure that it will be the beginning of an important common work and cooperation. 

Lo dico anche in Italiano. 

Oggi abbiamo raggiunto un risultato che io considero estremamente importante. Questo nuovo incontro con il Presidente Saied, insieme a Ursula von der Leyen e Mark Rutte, è il risultato di un grande lavoro diplomatico che tutti hanno portato avanti con pazienza e con lungimiranza. Voglio quindi ringraziare tutti gli attori.  

Siamo molto soddisfatti del Memorandum d'Intesa che viene firmato oggi tra Tunisia e Unione europea, grazie anche all'importante lavoro del Commissario Várhelyi, che è qui. È un ulteriore passo importante verso la creazione di un vero partenariato tra la Tunisia e l'Unione europea che possa affrontare in maniera integrata la crisi migratoria e lo sviluppo per entrambe le sponde del Mediterraneo.

Come diplomazia italiana abbiamo a lungo lavorato per questo obiettivo: dopo la missione del Team Europe dello scorso 11 giugno, un altro importante passaggio con il Consiglio europeo dello scorso 29-30 giugno, dove abbiamo avuto delle Conclusioni che riflettono il livello di ambizione che oggi l'Europa ha nel suo rapporto con la dimensione esterna, con la sponda sud del Mediterraneo.

Il partenariato con la Tunisia per noi è da considerarsi un modello per costruire nuove relazioni con i vicini del Nord Africa. Questo sarebbe stato probabilmente impensabile fino a qualche mese fa. Lo dico con una punta d'orgoglio, ma lo dico soprattutto con grande gratitudine nei confronti della Commissione europea, del Consiglio, dei partner che hanno lavorato a questo obiettivo. 

È un importante lavoro di squadra che da domani deve continuare con la stessa determinazione: il Memorandum è un punto di partenza al quale dovranno seguire diversi Accordi per mettere a terra gli obiettivi che ci siamo dati.

Un ultimo passaggio voglio farlo in riferimento alla prossima Conferenza Internazionale sulla Migrazione che si terrà a Roma domenica 23 luglio e che avrà il Presidente Saied tra i protagonisti, ma parteciperanno diversi Capi di Stato e di Governo dei Paesi mediterranei. È un altro importante passo per affrontare il tema della cooperazione mediterranea con un approccio integrato e io lo considero come l'inizio di un percorso che può consentire una partnership diversa da quella che abbiamo avuto nel passato.

Quindi grazie a tutti ancora e continueremo a lavorare insieme con grande determinazione.

16 July 2023

President Meloni, President von der Leyen and Prime Minister Rutte in Tunisia

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, together with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, met with the President of the Republic of Tunisia, Kais Saied, in Tunis today. During the meeting, the EU-Tunisia Memorandum of Understanding was signed and, afterwards, the leaders issued joint statements to the press.
