16 February 2023

Procedura di mobilità 30 posti di Categoria A nella dotazione organica della PCM, per la copertura di 25 posti nel settore Amministrativo giuridico contabile

Procedura  di mobilità, indetta, ai sensi dell’articolo 30 del decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n. 165, con decreto del Segretario Generale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri 12 luglio 2019, rettificato dal decreto del Segretario Generale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri 23 luglio 2019, per la copertura, nell’ambito di complessivi n. 30 posti di Categoria “A” presenti nella dotazione organica della Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri, di 25 posti relativi al settore di competenza “Amministrativo giuridico contabile”. 

16 February 2023

Consiglio dei Ministri n. 21

Si è svolta a Palazzo Chigi la riunione del Consiglio dei Ministri. Al termine in conferenza stampa il Vice Presidente e Ministro degli affari esteri Antonio Tajani, il Sottosegretario Alfredo Mantovano e i Ministri Raffaele Fitto e Giancarlo Giorgetti hanno illustrato i provvedimenti approvati. 

16 February 2023

Convocazione del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 21

Il Consiglio dei Ministri è convocato in data odierna, alle ore 16.30 a Palazzo Chigi, per l'esame del seguente ordine del giorno:

16 February 2023

Riunione del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 21

Il Consiglio dei Ministri è convocato giovedì 16 febbraio alle ore 16.30 a Palazzo Chigi.

(Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha annullato tutti gli impegni istituzionali previsti per questa settimana per il persistere di sintomi influenzali).

16 February 2023

“M’illumino di Meno”, Palazzo Chigi aderisce all'iniziativa sul risparmio energetico

In occasione della Giornata del Risparmio Energetico e degli Stili di Vita Sostenibili anche la Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri aderisce all’iniziativa della Rai “M’illumino di Meno”, nell’ambito della campagna di sensibilizzazione sulla razionalizzazione dei consumi energetici. La sera del 16 Febbraio, dalle ore 19.00 fino alle ore 21.00, l’illuminazione della facciata esterna di Palazzo Chigi rimarrà spenta.

English | Italiano

Opening ceremony for the Carabinieri Officers’ School 2022/23 academic year: President Meloni’s message of greeting

Monday, 13 February 2023

Good morning everyone.

I deeply regret that I am unable to attend such an important event for the Carabinieri Corps and for the Armed Forces. I wish to greet Minister of Defence Crosetto, Commander General of the Carabinieri Corps Luzi, Commander of the Carabinieri Corps Schools Governale, Commander of the Carabinieri Officers’ School Domizi and all the authorities present today.

The official opening of the academic year at the ‘Scuola Ufficiali dell’Arma dei Carabinieri’ [‘Carabinieri Officers’ School’] is an important occasion for this Armed Force, but also for those who, like me, have been called upon by citizens to represent the State and act as a spokesperson for the trust, gratitude, respect and pride that Italians feel for their Carabinieri. I’ve deliberately used the word ‘their’, a possessive adjective, because this is precisely the Italian people’s sentiment towards you: you belong to Italians, you represent a distinctive feature of our history and of our future, you are part of us. 

Today we are once again celebrating this bond between the Italian people and each and every one of you, and I thank you for the choice you are making. A courageous choice, born of a profound sense of duty and dedication to the national interest. During an interview, General Dalla Chiesa was once asked why young people decide to become Carabinieri officers, to which he replied: “because they believe and need to continue believing”. This is precisely what the Carabinieri do: they believe in their nation, they believe in serving it, in the spirit of dedication, in the ability to devote themselves to others, in professionalism, courage and sacrifice. 
You believe there is a higher purpose that is worth working hard for, worth putting yourselves on the line for, worth dedicating your lives to. These are the sentiments that make the Carabinieri a symbol of our nation; an Armed Force that is admired and appreciated for its extraordinary professionalism in carrying out the institutional tasks assigned to it by the State, both in Italy and outside our national borders.

You guard our security and our freedom both nationally, in over five thousand garrisons located throughout the country, and on your peacekeeping missions abroad and in numerous theatres of operation, from Iraq to Kosovo, from Nigeria to Djibouti. The results of your hard work are proof of this. In 2022, the Carabinieri worked on over 73% of the total number of crimes reported, they arrested 476 people for mafia-style conspiracy, they seized and confiscated assets worth approximately EUR 630 million and returned significant resources for Italy’s productivity. Their investigative work into dangerous fugitives has allowed for 14 wanted individuals to be arrested from 2021 to date. These include Matteo Messina Denaro; I wish to once again thank the judicial officers, investigators and public security forces that enabled his capture after more than twenty years on the run, bringing an enemy of the State to justice. We have picked up the baton from Judge Falcone, from Judge Borsellino, from General Dalla Chiesa and from the many heroes in the fight against the mafia, and it is the duty of each of us to pass this on to the future generations. 

My greetings go to all those attending practical and advanced training courses; I know there are some officers from other nations among you. You play the leading role in today’s event. This is a fundamental phase for you and I hope you experience it with the same enthusiasm, sense of responsibility and determination that characterise the Carabinieri. I hope you make the most of the opportunities that this training provides, in terms of both professional development and putting into practice the ethical conduct that is a decisive part of the Carabinieri Corps’ identity. 

A few weeks ago, I was on an official visit to Algeria and went aboard the Italian Navy ship ‘Carabiniere’, a national technological gem of modernity and innovation. That gem is dedicated to your Armed Force, the Carabinieri, and is defined “the symbol of duty”. After all, this is what you represent and is how Italians see you: a symbol of duty. The duty of always serving the State and the institutions; the duty of honouring the nation and its flag, in Italy and around the world; the duty of being at the service of Italians.

This is why we shall never tire of thanking you for everything you do for our nation every day. Yours is a calling and you know that you can always count on us in pursuing it.

Long live the Armed Forces!
Long live the Carabinieri!
Long live Italy!

[Courtesy translation]

15 February 2023

Statement by President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni

Silvio Berlusconi’s acquittal is excellent news, ending a long legal case that has had important repercussions also on Italy’s political and institutional life. I extend a warm greeting to President Berlusconi, both personally and on behalf of the Government.

15 February 2023

Dichiarazione del Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni

L'assoluzione di Silvio Berlusconi è un’ottima notizia che mette fine a una lunga vicenda giudiziaria che ha avuto importanti riflessi anche nella vita politica e istituzionale italiana. Rivolgo al Presidente Berlusconi a nome mio e del Governo un saluto affettuoso.

14 February 2023

Anniversario della firma dei Patti Lateranensi e dell’Accordo di Revisione del Concordato

Il Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio, Alfredo Mantovano, ha partecipato alla ricorrenza della firma dei Patti Lateranensi e dell’Accordo di Revisione del Concordato.
L'evento si è svolto a Palazzo Borromeo, sede dell'Ambasciata d'Italia presso la Santa Sede, alla presenza delle delegazioni vaticana ed italiana.

04 February 2023

President Meloni’s letter to the Corriere della Sera newspaper regarding the case of convicted anarchist Alfredo Cospito

Dear Director, for several days now, members of the opposition and media representatives have been accusing me of reticence regarding the heated debate in the Chamber of Deputies about Alfredo Cospito, involving, among others, Honourable MP Donzelli and Undersecretary Delmastro.
