12 January 2023

Undersecretary of State Mantovano presents the Decree initiating works for the Jubilee of 2025

Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano, together with the Mayor of Rome and Special Commissioner for the Jubilee 2025, Roberto Gualtieri, held a press conference today to illustrate the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers that approves and initiates the essential works, which cannot be postponed, to enable the city of Rome to welcome pilgrims and tourists in view of the Catholic Church’s Jubilee in 2025.

English | Italiano

Meeting with Prime Minister Kishida of Japan - President Meloni’s press statement

Tuesday, 10 January 2023

Good afternoon everyone.

I wish to thank the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, for coming to visit us. 

We have had a long meeting, which will continue over lunch, once again showing that, despite the geographical distance between us, Japan is and remains not only a friend but also a partner of key strategic importance for Italy. I am therefore particularly pleased to have had this opportunity to sit down and speak with Prime Minister Kishida after the various international meetings we have had over the last weeks. 

As I said, we have had a long meeting, based on the excellent bilateral relations between Italy and Japan: trade between our two countries amounts to more than EUR 12 billion per year, underpinning an increasingly strong partnership in political, industrial, technological and cultural fields; we reinforced this even further recently in the sector of defence. In fact, I wish to recall, as we have of course also discussed, that on 9 December last year, together with the United Kingdom, we launched the Global Combat Air Programme, the aim of which is to develop a sixth-generation aircraft. This will have important benefits for production sectors, also in a civil context and in the field of scientific research. 

During our meeting today, and I believe this is very important, we have agreed to elevate our relations to the status of strategic partnership. I believe this is a significant step, involving a strengthening of our contacts at all levels as well as new opportunities and prospects for our citizens and businesses. 
An initial concrete result of this decision will soon be seen with the launch of a bilateral Foreign Affairs-Defence consultation mechanism, which will allow us to strengthen the exchange of analyses and information - bilateral cooperation on all the global and regional issues of mutual interest.
We also agreed on the need to strengthen our ‘trade’ relations in various sectors, including the cultural sector, which will benefit (and I believe this is another important element) from the upcoming conclusion of an agreement for the co-production of films. Both our countries boast a very important cinema industry and we want to work together. 

A strong convergence of views has emerged during Prime Minister Kishida’s visit regarding the main points for Japan’s G7 Presidency, which is obviously the most important matter on the agenda. As of 1st January, Japan holds the 2023 Presidency of the G7 and, as you know, Italy will take over the G7 Presidency in 2024, and I believe this can further strengthen our relations.

In addition to guaranteeing full support for Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression, we also want to work with the Japanese Presidency on a number of priorities proposed by Japan, which I completely agree with: protecting the international rules-based order; relaunching and deepening relations with countries from the ‘Global South’ (you have already seen how much attention Italy is paying to the African continent, for example); strengthening economic security and supply chains; fighting climate change; the energy transition. There are many challenges requiring a lot of work by everyone. 

We will be discussing all these matters further over lunch: issues related to international politics, starting with the consequences of the war against Ukraine; we have also spoken, and will continue to speak, about stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific. I believe this region is fundamental for our future; it is an increasingly strategic area, but is also a macro-region with important issues to be resolved, including, I believe, and as we have spoken about, North Korea’s missile and nuclear programme, which continues to cause serious concern. 

In short, there are very many matters to be discussed, but I believe we can say that our positions are strongly aligned and that this partnership between Italy and Japan, which has always been strong, is today taking important and strategic steps forward. 

My thanks go to Prime Minister Kishida, to his delegation and, of course, to all of you.

[Courtesy translation]

12 January 2023

Giubileo 2025, dichiarazione del Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni

"Questo Governo ha lavorato fin dal suo insediamento per la firma del primo Dpcm sulle opere essenziali e indifferibili per l’organizzazione del Giubileo della Chiesa Cattolica del 2025. Roma e l’Italia intera si preparano a celebrare un evento indissolubilmente legato all’identità stessa della Città Eterna, che è Capitale del Cristianesimo e che ospita lo Stato della Città del Vaticano. C’è molto lavoro da fare ma, in stretta sinergia con la Santa Sede e Roma Capitale, assicureremo tutta la nostra collaborazione e il nostro impegno per far in modo che la Capitale e la Nazione siano pronti ad ospitare milioni di pellegrini da tutto il mondo e vivere un evento storico com'è il Giubileo".

12 January 2023

Giubileo 2025, il Sottosegretario Mantovano presenta il Dpcm che avvia le opere per l'accoglienza

Il Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio Alfredo Mantovano, ha illustrato insieme al Sindaco di Roma e Commissario straordinario al Giubileo 2025 Roberto Gualtieri, il Dpcm che approva e avvia le opere essenziali e indifferibili che consentono alla città di Roma Capitale di accogliere i pellegrini e i turisti in vista del Giubileo 2025 della Chiesa Cattolica.

12 January 2023

Convocazione del Consiglio dei Ministri n.16

Il Consiglio dei Ministri è convocato in data odierna, alle ore 17.30 a Palazzo Chigi, per l’esame del seguente ordine del giorno:

12 January 2023

Consiglio dei Ministri n. 16

Si è svolta a Palazzo Chigi la riunione del Consiglio dei Ministri. Nel comunicato stampa i provvedimenti adottati.

10 January 2023

Minister Fitto meets with Swedish Minister for EU Affairs, Jessika Roswall

The Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP, Raffaele Fitto, met with the Swedish Minister for EU Affairs, Jessika Roswall, in Stockholm today.
The meeting focused on the programme and priorities of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with particular regard to the issues of Ukraine, migration, European defence, energy security, the European Union’s long-term global competitiveness and enlargement.

11 January 2023

‘Ukraine electricity emergency’ working group meets at Palazzo Chigi

The ‘Ukraine electricity emergency’ working group, which was desired by President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni and has already been operational since the beginning of December, met this morning at Palazzo Chigi. The working group, coordinated by Undersecretaries of State Alfredo Mantovano and Giovanbattista Fazzolari, is attended by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, together with the Civil Protection Department and Terna, Italy’s national electricity grid operator.

11 January 2023

Emergenza elettrica Ucraina, a Palazzo Chigi la riunione del gruppo di lavoro

Si è riunito stamane a Palazzo Chigi il gruppo di lavoro "emergenza elettrica Ucraina", voluto dal Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni, operativo già da inizio dicembre. Al tavolo, coordinato dai Sottosegretari Alfredo Mantovano e Giovanbattista Fazzolari, partecipano i Ministeri degli Esteri, della Difesa, della Sicurezza energetica, delle Imprese con il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile e il gestore della rete elettrica nazionale Terna. 
