
September 2024

(View from the most recent)

29 February 2024

Gaza: statement by President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni

It was with deep dismay and concern that I learned the dramatic news of today’s events in Gaza. There is an urgent need for Israel to ascertain the dynamics of what happened and who is responsible.
The numerous new civilian victims require ongoing negotiation efforts to be immediately stepped up in order to create the conditions for a ceasefire and a release of the hostages.

29 February 2024

Gaza, dichiarazione del Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni

Ho appreso con profondo sgomento e preoccupazione la drammatica notizia di quanto accaduto oggi a Gaza. È urgente che Israele accerti la dinamica dei fatti e le relative responsabilità. Le nuove e numerose vittime civili impongono di intensificare immediatamente gli sforzi sui negoziati in atto per creare le condizioni per un cessate il fuoco e per la liberazione degli ostaggi.

29 February 2024

Riunione del CIPESS del 29 febbraio 2024

Nella seduta odierna, il Comitato interministeriale per la programmazione economica e lo sviluppo sostenibile (CIPESS), presieduto dalla Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Giorgia Meloni, con la presenza del Segretario del CIPESS, Sottosegretario Alessandro Morelli, ha approvato una serie di proposte in materia di politiche di coesione, infrastrutture e investimenti pubblici. 

29 February 2024

CIPESS meeting of 29 February 2024

A meeting of the Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning and Sustainable Development (CIPESS) was held today, chaired by the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, and with the CIPESS Secretary, Undersecretary of State Alessandro Morelli, in attendance. The meeting approved a number of proposals regarding cohesion policy, infrastructure and public investments.

28 February 2024

Relazione sulla politica dell’informazione per la sicurezza - anno 2023

Si è tenuta, presso Palazzo Dante, sede della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, la presentazione pubblica della “Relazione sulla politica dell’informazione per la sicurezza”, curata dal Sistema di informazione per la sicurezza della Repubblica e relativa all’anno 2023.

27 February 2024

President Meloni meets with foreign press correspondents

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, delivered a speech at this evening’s meeting with correspondents from the Foreign Press Association in Italy. The event also marked the Association’s 112nd anniversary.

27 February 2024

Il Presidente Meloni incontra i corrispondenti della Stampa Estera

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha tenuto un intervento all'incontro con i corrispondenti dell'Associazione Stampa Estera in Italia.

27 February 2024

Statement by Palazzo Chigi on Italy’s commitment to supporting Ukraine

The Conference organised by President Macron in Paris yesterday, with the participation of Deputy Minister Cirielli, provided an opportunity to reaffirm Italy’s full commitment to supporting Ukraine in its fight to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Since Russia’s aggression two years ago, there has been full unity among all Allies regarding the support to be offered to Kyiv. This support does not provide for the presence of troops from European or NATO Countries on Ukrainian territory.

27 February 2024

President Meloni’s statement on release of three kidnapped Italians in Mali

I would like to express my heartfelt felicitations on the release of our three compatriots who were kidnapped in Mali in 2022: Rocco Langone, his wife Maria Donata Caivano and their son Giovanni. I also wish to thank AISE for its extraordinary work which, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made it possible to achieve this difficult result.

27 February 2024

Statement by Palazzo Chigi on release of three kidnapped Italians in Mali

Rocco Langone, his wife Maria Donata Caivano and their son Giovanni Langone, the three Italian citizens who were kidnapped from their home on the outskirts of the city of Koutiala, southeast of Bamako, the capital of Mali, on 19 May 2022, were freed last night. This area is particularly infiltrated by jihadist militia; the kidnapping was carried out by a jihadist faction linked to JNIM, the Group to Support Islam and Muslims, associated with al-Qa'ida, which is active in large parts of West Africa.
