Il Governo

1 Gennaio 2023 - 31 Dicembre 2023

(Visualizzazione dal più recente)

16 Marzo 2023

President Meloni meets with survivors and relatives of the victims of the tragedy in Cutro

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni met today at Palazzo Chigi with survivors and relatives of the victims of the tragedy in Cutro. They were accompanied by interpreters to allow for translation to and from their mother tongues. The Government was also represented at the meeting by Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Antonio Tajani and Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano.

16 Marzo 2023

President Meloni meets with survivors and relatives of the victims of the tragedy in Cutro

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni met today at Palazzo Chigi with survivors and relatives of the victims of the tragedy in Cutro. They were accompanied by interpreters to allow for translation to and from their mother tongues. The Government was also represented at the meeting by Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Antonio Tajani and Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano. Both personally and on behalf of the entire Government, President Meloni expressed sympathy to those present and assured the utmost commitment to satisfying their requests.

16 Marzo 2023

Convocazione del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 25

Il Consiglio dei ministri, convocato a Palazzo Chigi in data odierna alle ore 16.30, esaminerà il seguente ordine del giorno:

16 Marzo 2023

President Meloni’s statement on approval of tax reform enabling law

Approval of the tax reform enabling law is a real turning point for Italy. This is a structural and comprehensive landmark reform: a revolution we have awaited for 50 years, with important innovations for citizens, families and businesses. With the tax reform, we are outlining a new idea of Italy that is close to taxpayers’ needs and attractive for companies. The reform contains an overall and programmatic vision that rewards taxpayers’ loyalty and responsibility, laying the foundations for a new trust-based relationship with the tax authorities. Thanks to the tax system reform, we are lowering taxes, increasing growth and equity and fostering employment and investment.

16 Marzo 2023

President Meloni meets with Prime Minister of Lebanon

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met with the Prime Minister of the Lebanese Republic, Najib Mikati, at Palazzo Chigi this afternoon.

15 Marzo 2023

Consiglio dei Ministri n. 25

Si è svolta a Palazzo Chigi la riunione del Consiglio dei Ministri. All'interno del comunicato i provvedimenti approvati.

15 Marzo 2023

President Meloni’s Question Time in the Chamber of Deputies

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, responded to the points raised by the Chamber of Deputies during today’s Question Time session.

15 Marzo 2023

Tax reform: Government meets with trade associations and professional bodies

The approval process gets underway: draft enabling law on taxation to be examined by the Council of Ministers tomorrow.
Following yesterday’s meeting with trade unions on the principles of the tax reform enabling law, representatives of trade associations and professional bodies were received at Palazzo Chigi today, who expressed a positive opinion regarding a comprehensive and complete reform, providing important and concrete contributions to discussions. 
Representing the Government, the discussions were attended by Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti, Deputy Minister Maurizio Leo and Undersecretary to the Presidency of the 

15 Marzo 2023

Tax reform: Government meets with trade associations and professional bodies

Following yesterday’s meeting with trade unions, discussions on the draft enabling law for the reform of the tax system were held at Palazzo Chigi today with trade associations and professional bodies.

15 Marzo 2023

President Meloni’s Question Time in the Chamber of Deputies

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, responded to the points raised by the Chamber of Deputies during today’s Question Time session.
