Il Governo

Ottobre 2024

(Visualizzazione dal più recente)

05 Aprile 2023

President Meloni meets with President of the Government of Spain

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met today with the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, at Palazzo Chigi. Following their meeting, the two leaders issued statements to the press.

05 Aprile 2023

President Meloni visits L'Aquila

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended today’s mass at the Santa Maria del Suffragio church in L'Aquila, held in memory of the victims of the earthquake of 6 April 2009.

05 Aprile 2023

President Meloni meets with President of the Government of Spain

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met today with the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, at Palazzo Chigi. Following their meeting, the two leaders issued statements to the press.

05 Aprile 2023

President Meloni meets with President of the Government of Spain

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met today with the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, at Palazzo Chigi. Following their meeting, the two leaders issued statements to the press.

04 Aprile 2023

Stato di attuazione del PNRR, Fitto: Governo riferirà in Parlamento

Il Governo accoglie volentieri l’invito a riferire in Parlamento sullo stato di attuazione del PNRR, intanto perché non vi è nessuna difficoltà a farlo, ma soprattutto perché la consideriamo  un’opportunità. Anzi, un’ottima occasione di confronto per approfondire e chiarire il merito delle questioni. Lo dichiara il Ministro per Affari Europei, il PNRR, il Sud e la Politica di coesione Raffaele Fitto in una nota.

04 Aprile 2023

PNNR, confronto Governo-Sindaci su stadio Artemio Franchi di Firenze e Bosco di Venezia

Si è tenuto questa mattina un incontro tra il Ministro per Affari Europei, il PNRR, il Sud e la Politica di coesione Raffaele Fitto, il Sottosegretario agli Interni Emanuele Prisco, il Presidente dell’Anci Antonio De Caro e i sindaci di Firenze Dario Nardella e di Venezia Luigi Brugnaro per un confronto in merito alle problematiche connesse ai rilievi sollevati dalla Commissione Europea inerenti l'ammissibilità di alcuni interventi finanziati dal PNRR nell'ambito dei Piani Urbani integrati (stadio Artemio Franchi di Firenze e Bosco di Venezia).

03 Aprile 2023

President Meloni visits 55th edition of Vinitaly

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, visited Vinitaly, the international wine and spirits exhibition in Verona, today. During her visit, President Meloni addressed the ‘Vino e giovani’ [‘Wine and young people’] event and 2023 award ceremony for the 7th ‘Agricultural Institutes of Italy’ wine competition.

03 Aprile 2023

President Meloni’s video message to Ministerial Meeting on the Western Balkans

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, greeted the Ministerial Meeting on the Western Balkans today, via video message.

03 Aprile 2023

President Meloni visits 55th edition of Vinitaly

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, this morning addressed the ‘Vino e giovani’ [‘Wine and young people’] event and 2023 award ceremony for the 7th ‘Agricultural Institutes of Italy’ wine competition at Vinitaly, the international wine and spirits exhibition in Verona. 

02 Aprile 2023

President Meloni’s statement on World Autism Awareness Day

Today is World Autism Awareness Day, established by the United Nations in 2007 to promote greater attention to people with autism spectrum disorder.
To mark this occasion, Palazzo Chigi’s façade will be lit up in blue from sunset this evening until 6am tomorrow morning as a small gesture to express closeness with the families, associations and health professionals who, with such love and commitment, face important challenges every day.
