
1 Giugno 2024 - 30 Giugno 2024

(Visualizzazione dal più recente)

24 Giugno 2024

Meeting with the Prime Minister of Hungary

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met today with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, at Palazzo Chigi. Following their meeting, the two leaders issued statements to the press.

24 Giugno 2024

Comunicato stampa del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 87

Il Consiglio dei ministri si è riunito lunedì 24 giugno 2024, alle ore 12.12, a Palazzo Chigi, sotto la presidenza del Presidente Giorgia Meloni. Segretario, il Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio Alfredo Mantovano.


24 Giugno 2024

NRRP steering committee meeting to verify achievement of the 37 objectives linked to the sixth instalment

A meeting of the steering committee for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) was held at Palazzo Chigi today, chaired by the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni. The purpose of the meeting, called by Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP Raffaele Fitto and attended by the Ministers and Undersecretaries involved as well as by representatives from ANCI [National Association of Italian Municipalities], UPI [Union of Italian Provinces] and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, was to verify achievement of the 37 milestones and targets linked to the sixth instalment of Italy’s new Recovery and Resilience Plan. 

24 Giugno 2024

Incontro con il Primo Ministro dell’Ungheria

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha incontrato a Palazzo Chigi il Primo Ministro dell’Ungheria, Viktor Orbán. Al termine hanno rilasciato le dichiarazioni alla stampa.

24 Giugno 2024

Meeting with the President of the Republic of Singapore

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met with the President of the Republic of Singapore, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, at Palazzo Chigi today.

24 Giugno 2024

NRRP steering committee meeting to verify achievement of the 37 objectives linked to the sixth instalment

A meeting of the steering committee for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) was held at Palazzo Chigi today, chaired by the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni. The purpose of the meeting, called by Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP Raffaele Fitto and attended by the Ministers and Undersecretaries involved as well as by representatives from ANCI [National Association of Italian Municipalities], UPI [Union of Italian Provinces] and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, was to verify achievement of the 37 milestones and targets linked to the sixth instalment of Italy’s new Recovery and Resilience Plan.

24 Giugno 2024

Incontro con il Presidente della Repubblica di Singapore

A Palazzo Chigi il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha incontrato il Presidente della Repubblica di Singapore, Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

24 Giugno 2024

Council of Ministers meeting no. 87

Council of Ministers meeting no. 87 was held at Palazzo Chigi today.
Following today’s NRRP steering committee meeting and the Council of Ministers meeting, the Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP, Raffaele Fitto, and the Minister for Civil Protection and Marine Policies, Nello Musumeci, held a press conference.

24 Giugno 2024

Council of Ministers meeting no. 87

Council of Ministers meeting no. 87 was held at Palazzo Chigi today.
Following today’s NRRP steering committee meeting and the Council of Ministers meeting, the Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP, Raffaele Fitto, and the Minister for Civil Protection and Marine Policies, Nello Musumeci, held a press conference.

24 Giugno 2024

Council of Ministers meeting no. 87

Council of Ministers meeting no. 87 was held at Palazzo Chigi today, after which Ministers Fitto and Musumeci held a press conference.
