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G20 Summit: President Meloni’s address at PGII event

Sabato, 9 Settembre 2023

Your Highnesses, Excellencies,

When we launched the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment just over a year ago, we committed to building better infrastructure for a better future in low- and middle-income Nations. We committed to cooperate with these Nations with an equal, non-predatory approach to create new opportunities and prosperity.

Today's launch of the new Economic Corridor between India, the Middle East and Europe goes precisely in this direction and is a milestone in strengthening global interconnections.

That is why I want to thank Prime Minister Modi, President Biden, Ursula von der Leyen and all the others who made it possible, for it’s a very important thing.

This will scale up our economies’ growth, opening enormous potential for mutual benefits in the business sector. Obviously Italy is ready to play a decisive role in this process, also through the unique expertise of Italian companies in the maritime and railway sectors.

We want to contribute to building bridges between the Mediterranean and Indo-Pacific, also in the fields of energy and digital connectivity via Africa and the Arabian Gulf.
In the energy sector, we are keen to work in different fields, including the production and transport of green hydrogen from the Middle East to the Mediterranean. We also support the European Commission on the Elmed project, a high-voltage submarine electricity interconnection that will link Italy to Tunisia.

We are working to strengthen digital connections critical for innovation and growth between the wider Mediterranean and Asia. Blue Raman, named after India's Nobel Laureate in Physics Raman, will connect Europe with India and involves major companies such as Google and Tim-Sparkle.  

However, we are also aware that there is still much to be done to narrow the infrastructure gap with low- and middle-income nations. This is why we will continue work on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment during the Italian G7 presidency next year.

Thank you.