09 Febbraio 2023

Pontignano Forum: President Meloni’s message to the British Ambassador to Italy

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni’s message of greeting to the British Ambassador to Italy, Edward Llewellyn, on the occasion of the Pontignano Forum.

10 Febbraio 2023

Giorno del ricordo, il messaggio del Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni

Oggi l’Italia celebra il Giorno del Ricordo e rende il suo tributo ai martiri delle foibe e agli italiani d’Istria, Fiume e Dalmazia costretti ad abbandonare le loro case e le loro terre per il solo fatto di essere italiani. Centinaia di migliaia di nostri connazionali obbligati a fuggire e che la Nazione, in diverse occasioni, non seppe accogliere come sarebbe stato giusto fare. 

09 Febbraio 2023

Comunicato stampa del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 20

Il Consiglio dei Ministri si è riunito giovedì 9 febbraio 2023, alle ore 17.10 a Palazzo Chigi, sotto la presidenza del Vicepresidente Antonio Tajani. Segretario, il Sottosegretario alla Presidenza Alfredo Mantovano.



Il Consiglio dei Ministri, su proposta del Ministro per la protezione civile e le politiche del mare Nello Musumeci, ha deliberato:

09 Febbraio 2023

Giorno del Ricordo, il Presidente Meloni firma il Dpcm per la costituzione del Comitato per le celebrazioni

Il Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni ha firmato il Dpcm per la costituzione, presso la Presidenza del Consiglio, del Comitato di coordinamento per le celebrazioni del Giorno del Ricordo in memoria delle vittime delle foibe e dell'esodo istriano, fiumano e dalmata. L’organismo si occupa di assicurare un’efficace e coordinata programmazione delle iniziative e delle cerimonie proposte dalle Amministrazioni in occasione della solennità civile istituita dalla legge n. 92 del 30 marzo 2004. Dalle ore 18.00 di venerdì 10 all’alba di sabato 11 Palazzo Chigi sarà illuminato con il Tricolore italiano. Inoltre, al centro della facciata della sede del Governo sarà proiettata la frase “Io Ricordo”.

English | Italiano

President Meloni’s doorstep upon arrival at the special European Council meeting

Giovedì, 9 Febbraio 2023

Journalist: What will you say to President Zelensky?
President Meloni: Italy continues to be fully committed; ours is a comprehensive contribution because we are aware, as we have said several times, that as well as the issue of respect for international law, of the value of a nation’s sovereignty and freedom, the conflict in Ukraine involves us all directly. I believe the best way to build an option of peace, of dialogue, is to keep the forces on the ground on an equal footing. So, comprehensive support for Ukraine is also the best way to reach possible negotiations. In any case, Italy will continue to provide its support today, and of course intends to play a leading role in the country’s possible future reconstruction. 
[Courtesy translation]

Journalist: Are you optimistic that steps forward can be made regarding immigration?
President Meloni: I believe that steps forward have already been made. Compared with the past, the draft conclusions, regarding the external dimension, regarding the fact that the migration issue is a European issue, regarding the specific characteristics of the maritime border, which obviously needs different responses, are a huge step forward. Those familiar with these dynamics know that, in the last five/six years, it was difficult to imagine the European Council having such an awareness of this issue. So, I consider this to be an excellent starting point, which is the result of significant work by Italy, not just in political terms but also from a diplomatic point of view. I am therefore quite optimistic.
[Courtesy translation]

Journalist: With regard to economic matters, what is Italy mainly expecting from this European Council meeting?
President Meloni: I expect the legitimate aspirations of individual nations not to be at the expense of others, and that it is therefore possible to find a balance. On the one hand, we undoubtedly have a huge need to defend the competitiveness of our system, not because of the United States’ IRA (Inflation Reduction Act), but because it is a time when we must question the choices that have been made, for example with regard to supply chains – go back to controlling our key supply chains. We have a problem with competitiveness; we must help our production system and we must of course do so without creating disparity within the single market. So, for example, we continue to believe that envisaging a sovereignty fund to support companies and working on full flexibility for existing funds are matters that must be brought to the table and discussed when certain countries that have greater fiscal space than others ask for a relaxation of State aid rules.
[Courtesy translation]

Journalist: Was France and Germany’s trip to Washington inappropriate?
President Meloni: Frankly, yesterday’s invitation to President Zelensky seemed more inappropriate to me, because I believe our strength in this matter is our unity and compactness. I understand the domestic politics issue, the fact of prioritising public opinions in our own countries, but there are times when prioritising public opinion in your own country risks being to the detriment of the cause, and it seems to me that this was one of those times. 
[Courtesy translation]

Journalist: The Austrian Chancellor wants EU money to be invested, EUR 2 billion, in border infrastructure, on the Turkish border and Bulgarian border. What is your stance on this? Do you support this?
President Meloni: I think that Europe has to control its external borders and I do agree with whatever helps to control illegal migration and help legal migration. It regards different instruments that we need, depending on the different borders that we have. So, as Italy for example, I’m asking to take care of the South border, the maritime one, which needs particular answers, and I think that we do agree with the fact that Europe has to manage immigration and it didn’t [do] that in the past years as we think it should. So, I will support other countries’ questions and I hope they will support mine.

Journalist: Can you tell me something about [inaudible]
President Meloni: It was a great experience, a very important one. I’ve been talking with all the representatives. It is a country in which Italy has an historical presence and we want to strengthen it on the political level, on the economic level, and I think also the work that our soldiers have been [doing] there is very important. I think I will come back. Thank you.

09 Febbraio 2023

Messaggio di saluto del Presidente Meloni alla IX Conferenza economica Cia-Agricoltori Italiani

Saluto e ringrazio il Presidente Cristiano Fini per l’invito. Mi spiace non poter partecipare in presenza ai lavori della nona Conferenza economica della Confederazione italiana agricoltori ma ci tenevo ad inviare il mio contributo.
Saluto i Ministri, il commissario europeo all’Agricoltura Wojciechowski, i rappresentanti istituzionali e delle categorie economiche che prenderanno parte alla vostra due giorni. E naturalmente tutti i delegati della CIA presenti.

09 Febbraio 2023

“Pontignano Forum”, il messaggio di saluto del Presidente Meloni all’Ambasciatore del Regno Unito in Italia

Il messaggio di saluto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Giorgia Meloni, all’Ambasciatore del Regno Unito in Italia, Edward Llewellyn, in occasione del “Pontignano Forum”.

10 Febbraio 2023

President Meloni in Brussels

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended the special European Council meeting in Brussels yesterday, which was also attended by the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. Upon her arrival at the Europa Building, before the meeting got underway, President Meloni addressed journalists at a doorstep. Earlier today, she held a press conference on the conclusions of the meeting.

10 Febbraio 2023

President Meloni in Brussels

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended the special European Council meeting in Brussels yesterday. Upon her arrival at the Europa Building, before the meeting got underway, President Meloni addressed journalists at a doorstep. Earlier today, she held a press conference on the conclusions of the meeting.

10 Febbraio 2023

President Meloni in Brussels

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended the special European Council meeting in Brussels yesterday. Earlier today, she held a press conference on the conclusions of the meeting.
