03 Febbraio 2023

Il Presidente Meloni a Berlino

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha incontrato il Cancelliere della Repubblica Federale di Germania, Olaf Scholz, a Berlino. Al termine hanno tenuto le dichiarazioni congiunte alla stampa.

03 Febbraio 2023

President Meloni visits Sweden

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni met with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson in Stockholm this morning.

03 Febbraio 2023

President Meloni visits Sweden

During her visit to Stockholm, President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni addressed journalists at a doorstep in the margins of her meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.

03 Febbraio 2023

President Meloni visits Sweden

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni met with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson in Stockholm this morning. In the margins of the meeting, President Meloni addressed journalists at a doorstep.

03 Febbraio 2023

Punto stampa del Presidente Meloni in Svezia

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, in visita a Stoccolma, ha tenuto un punto stampa a margine dell'incontro con il Primo Ministro Ulf Kristersson.

02 Febbraio 2023

Steering committee established for the Milano Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics and Paralympics

A meeting was held today at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, at Palazzo Chigi in Rome, to establish the steering committee for the 2026 Winter Olympics and Paralympics to be held in Milan and Cortina. The steering committee is composed of all the institutional and operational players involved.

03 Febbraio 2023

Il Presidente Meloni in visita in Svezia

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, questa mattina è stata a Stoccolma per incontrare il Primo Ministro svedese, Ulf Kristersson.

03 Febbraio 2023

Visita del Presidente Meloni in Svezia

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, questa mattina ha incontrato a Stoccolma il Primo Ministro svedese, Ulf Kristersson. A margine dell'incontro il Presidente ha tenuto un punto stampa.

01 Febbraio 2023

National day for civilian victims of wars and conflicts around the world

Law no. 9 of 25 January 2017 established Italy’s national day for civilian victims of wars and conflicts around the world, which falls every year on 1st February. On that day in 1979, Italian legislation recognised the equal dignity of all victims of conflict, whether civilian or military. To mark the occasion, Palazzo Chigi’s façade will be lit up in blue from 6pm until 9pm this evening.

02 Febbraio 2023

President Meloni’s statement on regional autonomy draft framework law

With the approval of the draft framework law on regional autonomy, our aim is to build a more united, stronger and more cohesive Italy. The Government is beginning a process to overcome the divides that currently exist between Italy’s different areas and to ensure all citizens throughout the country have the same rights and the same service levels. Establishing essential service levels, which over these years have never been defined, guarantees cohesion and unity. This measure applies the principle of subsidiarity, giving the regions that ask for it a two-fold opportunity: to directly manage matters and resources and to provide citizens with more efficient and less costly services.
