12 Novembre 2022

Dichiarazione del Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni

Nella Giornata del ricordo dei Caduti militari e civili nelle missioni internazionali per la pace, a nome di tutto il Governo rivolgo il più sentito e commosso ricordo a tutti i caduti italiani, civili e militari, che hanno sacrificato la propria vita operando, con onore e dedizione, fino all’estremo sacrificio, nei teatri operativi nei quali l’Italia è stata impegnata nel mondo.

11 Novembre 2022

Concorso a 53 posti di Referendario di T.A.R. anno 2022: rinvio del diario delle prove scritte

Nella Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, IV Serie speciale, concorsi ed esami, n. 88 dell’ 8 novembre 2022 è stato pubblicato l’Avviso relativo al rinvio della pubblicazione nella Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, IV Serie speciale, n.

11 Novembre 2022

President Meloni holds press conference

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, held a press conference this morning at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in Rome, together with Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti, Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, Minister of Labour and Social Policies Maria Elvira Calderone and Undersecretary of State Giovanbattista Fazzolari.

11 Novembre 2022

President Meloni holds press conference

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, held a press conference this morning at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in Rome, together with Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti, Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, Minister of Labour and Social Policies Maria Elvira Calderone and Undersecretary of State Giovanbattista Fazzolari.

English | Italiano

President Meloni’s press statement following the meeting with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg

Venerdì, 11 Novembre 2022

I wish to thank Secretary General Stoltenberg for this meeting, and for participating in the NATO Cyber Defence Pledge Conference being held this year in Rome, co-hosted by Italy and the United States. This involvement confirms Italy’s commitment to NATO and regarding the common challenges that the Alliance is facing at this particularly delicate time. Both the transatlantic and European dimensions of our foreign policy are fundamental for our security.

The Alliance is indispensable for the security and prosperity of our nations. Without security, there is and can be no growth for our societies and, together, we must defend the common values that characterise our western identity. This is what we are committed to doing. We live in a context where peace must not be taken for granted; it is something we have to work for and that requires us to be prepared to defend ourselves effectively.

As I have already done on several occasions, I made it clear to Secretary General Stoltenberg that Italy strongly supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and freedom. Our political cohesion and firm commitment to supporting Ukraine are the best response that NATO allies can give in terms of determination to remain united, to defend Euro-Atlantic security. I believe that Italy has amply demonstrated its very clear position in this regard.

The strategic NATO-EU partnership is essential for Euro-Atlantic security. Based on joint action, we should aim to deepen and expand cooperation between the two organisations, also on the issue of defence. In the same way, I believe it is a priority to work on strengthening the Alliance as a whole, with a strong European pillar and with the objective of making it stronger and able to respond to the threats coming from different directions. It is important to have a comprehensive approach that also takes into account the challenges stemming from the southern flank. NATO remains a regional Alliance, but we must have a global approach. It is crucial to maintain the technological supremacy that, for centuries, has allowed the West, and therefore also NATO, to play a leading role.

Italy is one of the major contributors to allied operations and missions. We are currently in command of the two major missions NMI (in Iraq) and KFOR (in Kosovo, where the situation, which we are monitoring, is delicate). This is in addition to the important role we have taken on along the eastern flank as an immediate response to the Russian aggression; also for this, our thanks go to our Armed Forces involved in these missions, for the credibility they give to our nation also within the Alliance.

I wish to once again thank Secretary General Stoltenberg for being here. I confirm Italy’s willingness to play a leading role. We are a dependable and loyal nation; we have demonstrated this until now and we will continue to demonstrate this. 

Lastly, I wish to thank Undersecretary Mantovano and the Foreign Minister for their efforts to bring Alessia Piperno back to Italy.

[Courtesy translation]

11 Novembre 2022

Conferenza stampa del Presidente Meloni

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, con i Ministri Giancarlo Giorgetti (Economia e Finanze), Adolfo Urso (Imprese e Made in Italy), Maria Elvira Calderone (Lavoro e Politiche Sociali), e il Sottosegretario Giovanbattista Fazzolari, ha tenuto una conferenza stampa presso la sala Polifunzionale della Presidenza del Consiglio.

11 Novembre 2022

Conferenza stampa del Presidente Meloni

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, con i Ministri Giancarlo Giorgetti (Economia e Finanze), Adolfo Urso (Imprese e Made in Italy), Maria Elvira Calderone (Lavoro e Politiche Sociali), e il Sottosegretario Giovanbattista Fazzolari, ha tenuto una conferenza stampa presso la sala Polifunzionale della Presidenza del Consiglio.

11 Novembre 2022

Conferenza stampa del Presidente Meloni

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, con i Ministri Giancarlo Giorgetti (Economia e Finanze), Adolfo Urso (Imprese e Made in Italy), Maria Elvira Calderone (Lavoro e Politiche Sociali), e il Sottosegretario Giovanbattista Fazzolari, ha tenuto una conferenza stampa.

10 Novembre 2022

Rinnovo del contratto della scuola, nota di Palazzo Chigi

Registriamo con piena soddisfazione la firma dell'accordo per il rinnovo del contratto della scuola tra i sindacati e il Ministero dell'Istruzione. Si sblocca così una vicenda di grande interesse pubblico, che coinvolge circa 1,2 milioni di persone, delle quali 850.000 docenti. 
