16 Giugno 2024

Il Presidente Meloni al Vertice sulla Pace in Ucraina

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha tenuto un intervento a Lucerna, in Svizzera, al Vertice sulla pace in Ucraina.

English | Italiano

President Meloni’s speech at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine

Domenica, 16 Giugno 2024

Dear Viola, dear Volodymyr, colleagues,

844 days have passed since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression. 844 days of heroic Ukrainian resistance and of an unwavering unity which never failed to support the Ukrainian people. 

Defending Ukraine means defending that system of rules that holds the international community together and protects every Nation. If Ukraine had not been able to count on our support and therefore would have been forced to surrender, today we would not be here to discuss the minimum conditions for a negotiation. We would be just discussing the invasion of a sovereign state and we can all imagine with what consequences.

Dear colleagues,
Peace does not mean surrender – as President Putin seems to suggest with his latest declarations. It does not. Confusing peace with subjugation would set a dangerous precedent for everyone. Today’s Conference represents a bold initiative, which dismantles certain narratives, or propaganda. No one can question the absolute importance of the three crucial topics of global interest which have been discussed today - nuclear safety, food security and the human dimension, in particular the return of displaced children. They matter to us all, and I think – also from today’s discussion – that there is much we can build from here.

Italy has always done its part, and it does not intend to walk away. However, we need to join all our possible efforts, in order to help Ukraine look towards the future. That’s exactly what we did at the G7 Summit under the Italian Presidency, where we just reached an agreement to make approximately USD 50 billion of additional financial support available to Kyiv by the end of the year, leveraging the extraordinary revenues of the immobilized Russian sovereign assets. This is an extremely significant achievement, the result of great teamwork done by the G7 leaders.  

Dear Volodymyr, I am here to tell you that you can continue to count on us, for as long as it takes. We will continue every possible effort to keep all the international partners engaged, as they are also suffering from the global consequences of this conflict. We intend to do everything in our possibilities to transform a future of peace and freedom for Ukraine into a reality. 

Thank you.

English | Italiano

Intervento del Presidente Meloni al Vertice sulla Pace in Ucraina

Domenica, 16 Giugno 2024

A seguire, la traduzione di cortesia in italiano.


Dear Viola, dear Volodymyr, colleagues,

844 days have passed since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression. 844 days of heroic Ukrainian resistance and of an unwavering unity which never failed to support the Ukrainian people. 

Defending Ukraine means defending that system of rules that holds the international community together and protects every Nation. If Ukraine had not been able to count on our support and therefore would have been forced to surrender, today we would not be here to discuss the minimum conditions for a negotiation. We would be just discussing the invasion of a sovereign state and we can all imagine with what consequences.

Dear colleagues,
Peace does not mean surrender – as President Putin seems to suggest with his latest declarations. It does not. Confusing peace with subjugation would set a dangerous precedent for everyone. Today’s Conference represents a bold initiative, which dismantles certain narratives, or propaganda. No one can question the absolute importance of the three crucial topics of global interest which have been discussed today - nuclear safety, food security and the human dimension, in particular the return of displaced children. They matter to us all, and I think – also from today’s discussion – that there is much we can build from here.

Italy has always done its part, and it does not intend to walk away. However, we need to join all our possible efforts, in order to help Ukraine look towards the future. That’s exactly what we did at the G7 Summit under the Italian Presidency, where we just reached an agreement to make approximately USD 50 billion of additional financial support available to Kyiv by the end of the year, leveraging the extraordinary revenues of the immobilized Russian sovereign assets. This is an extremely significant achievement, the result of great teamwork done by the G7 leaders.  

Dear Volodymyr, I am here to tell you that you can continue to count on us, for as long as it takes. We will continue every possible effort to keep all the international partners engaged, as they are also suffering from the global consequences of this conflict. We intend to do everything in our possibilities to transform a future of peace and freedom for Ukraine into a reality. 

Thank you.


Cara Viola, caro Volodymyr, colleghi,
sono trascorsi 844 giorni dall’inizio della guerra di aggressione russa. 844 giorni di eroica resistenza dell’Ucraina e di un’incrollabile unità che non ha mai smesso di sostenere il popolo ucraino.
Difendere l’Ucraina significa difendere quel sistema di regole che tiene insieme la comunità internazionale e protegge ogni Nazione. Se l’Ucraina non avesse potuto contare sul nostro supporto e, pertanto, fosse stata costretta ad arrendersi, oggi non saremmo qui a discutere le condizioni minime per un negoziato. Saremmo qui a discutere soltanto dell’invasione di uno Stato sovrano e possiamo tutti immaginare con quali conseguenze. 

Cari colleghi,
pace non significa resa – come il Presidente Putin sembra suggerire con le sue ultime dichiarazioni. Non è così. Confondere la pace con la sottomissione creerebbe un pericoloso precedente per tutti. La Conferenza di oggi rappresenta un’iniziativa coraggiosa, che smantella certe narrative o propagande. Nessuno può mettere in discussione l’importanza assoluta dei tre temi cruciali di interesse globale che sono stati discussi oggi – sicurezza nucleare, sicurezza alimentare e dimensione umana, in particolare il ritorno dei minori sfollati. Sono importanti per tutti noi, e penso – anche sulla base della discussione odierna – che ci sia tanto che possiamo costruire a partire da qui.
L’Italia ha sempre fatto la sua parte, e non intende sfilarsi. Tuttavia, abbiamo bisogno di unire tutti i nostri possibili sforzi, per aiutare l’Ucraina a guardare al futuro. E’ esattamente ciò che abbiamo fatto al Vertice del G7 sotto la Presidenza italiana, in occasione del quale abbiamo raggiunto un accordo per mettere a disposizione di Kiev, entro la fine dell’anno, un ulteriore sostegno finanziario pari a circa USD 50 miliardi, valorizzando le entrate straordinarie  derivanti dai beni sovrani russi immobilizzati. E’ un risultato estremamente significativo, frutto di un grande lavoro di squadra realizzato dai Leader dei G7.

Caro Volodymyr, sono qui per dirti che puoi continuare a contare su di noi, per tutto il tempo necessario. Continueremo a compiere ogni possibile sforzo per far proseguire l’impegno di tutti i partner internazionali, perché anche loro stanno patendo le conseguenze globali di questo conflitto. Intendiamo fare tutto ciò che ci è possibile per trasformare un futuro di pace e libertà per l’Ucraina in una realtà.

16 Giugno 2024

President Meloni attends Summit on Peace in Ukraine

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, delivered a speech today at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine being held in Switzerland.

16 Giugno 2024

President Meloni attends Summit on Peace in Ukraine

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, delivered a speech today at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine being held in Switzerland.

16 Giugno 2024

Il Presidente Meloni al Vertice sulla Pace in Ucraina

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha tenuto un intervento a Lucerna, in Svizzera, al Vertice sulla pace in Ucraina.

16 Giugno 2024

Il Presidente Meloni al Vertice sulla Pace in Ucraina

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha tenuto un intervento a Lucerna, in Svizzera, al Vertice sulla pace in Ucraina.

16 Giugno 2024

Il Presidente Meloni al Vertice sulla Pace in Ucraina

Domenica 16 giugno, alle ore 11.30, il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, partecipa in Svizzera al Vertice sulla Pace in Ucraina (Lucerna, Bürgenstock Resort).

15 Giugno 2024

G7 Summit - 15 June 2024

During day three of the Summit, which was dedicated to bilateral meetings, President Meloni met with: the President of the African Development Bank Group, Akinwumi A. Adesina; the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau; the President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune; and the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

[All Summit photographs are available on the official Flickr page]

15 Giugno 2024

G7 Summit - 15 June 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, held a press conference this afternoon, bringing the Summit of the G7 Heads of State and Government, which took place in Italy’s Apulia Region from 13th to 15th June, to a close.
