Latest from Palazzo Chigi

1 Gennaio 2023 - 31 Dicembre 2023

(Visualizzazione dal più recente)


President Meloni in Algeria

23 Gennaio 2023

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, visited the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria on 22 and 23 January. During the visit, President Meloni and the President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, issued statements to the press following the agreement signing ceremony. President Meloni later addressed journalists at a doorstep.


Statement by Palazzo Chigi

22 Gennaio 2023

After the unfounded reports of alleged divisions between the President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Economy and Finance Giorgetti and between the President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of the Interior Piantedosi, it is now the turn of Minister of Justice Nordio. Contrary to these reports, the atmosphere in the Council of Ministers is excellent and all ministers work in full synergy with Palazzo Chigi. More specifically, President Meloni reaffirms her full confidence in the Minister of Justice; she was strongly in favour of him holding this position and the two are in daily contact. In this context, President Meloni and Minister Nordio will meet this week to define a timeline for the initiatives needed to improve the Italian justice system. The Government is in fact determined to progress with and implement the coalition programme that citizens voted for, in order to provide Italy with a fair and fast justice system that is close to citizens and businesses.

Press release

President Meloni’s statement on the Council of Ministers’ ‘Pact for senior citizens’

19 Gennaio 2023

With the draft law approved today by the Council of Ministers, the Government has signed a ‘Pact for senior citizens’, laying the foundations for the comprehensive reform of policies in support of the elderly and against their marginalisation. Many healthcare, social, welfare and relational measures will be put in place, with the aim of providing the elderly with comprehensive care and meeting all their needs and requirements.


President Meloni’s statement on the anniversary of the birth of Paolo Borsellino

19 Gennaio 2023

“Paolo Borsellino was born on 19 January 1940. He was a great servant of the state, devoting his life to the fight against the mafia. We honour him, the heroes who have lost their lives combatting organised crime and all those who, every day, fight for legality and for a free and just nation”.

Press release

Meeting on reforms: statement by Palazzo Chigi

18 Gennaio 2023

During the meeting on reforms held today at Palazzo Chigi, there was great unity, in line with the commitments made to Italians and defined in the coalition’s programme. ...

Press release

President Meloni’s condolence message following the helicopter crash in Ukraine

18 Gennaio 2023

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, and the entire Government offer their deepest condolences and sympathy to President Zelensky of Ukraine, to Prime Minister Shmyhal and to all Ukrainian people following the tragic accident in which Interior Minister Monastyrsky, Deputy Minister Yenin, Undersecretary Lubkovych and the helicopter crew lost their lives. The Italian Government joins Ukraine in its sorrow and sends its heartfelt thoughts to the families of the victims.


Phone call between President Meloni and French President Macron

17 Gennaio 2023

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, had a cordial telephone conversation with the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, today, during which the main issues at the centre of the European and international agenda were addressed. The two leaders reiterated the readiness to provide full support to Ukraine and the urgent need to identify efficacious solutions at EU level to support the competitiveness of European enterprises and to combat illegal immigration through effective control of the European Union’s external borders. President of the Council of Ministers Meloni and President Macron agreed to continue discussing these issues, on which there is broad consensus.

Press release

President Meloni’s condolence message on the passing of Gina Lollobrigida

16 Gennaio 2023

It is with great fondness that we remember Gina Lollobrigida, an extremely talented actress who was passionate, intense and captivating. A star and icon of Italian cinema has left us; she was one of the most important performers of her generation, who contributed to disseminating the Italian image around the world.


Nepal plane crash: President Meloni’s condolence message

16 Gennaio 2023

My deep condolences, and those of the Italian Government, to the victims of the plane crash which occurred in Nepal yesterday. Our thoughts, at this painful time, are with those who lost their lives in this tragic accident and with their families.