Latest from Palazzo Chigi

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President Meloni’s condolences following the fire at Hillside Endarasha Primary School

7 Settembre 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, has sent a message to the President of Kenya, William Samoei Arap Ruto, expressing deepest condolences, both personally and on behalf of the Italian Government, for the young victims of the serious fire at Hillside Endarasha Primary School.


President Meloni at the Cernobbio Forum

7 Settembre 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, addressed the 50th edition of The European House – Ambrosetti Forum at Villa d'Este in Cernobbio today. In the margins of the Forum, President Meloni met with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.


President Meloni meets with President Zelensky at Cernobbio Forum

7 Settembre 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, had a bilateral meeting today with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, in the margins of the Ambrosetti Forum in Cernobbio. The two leaders discussed the latest developments on the ground and Ukraine’s most urgent needs ahead of winter and in the face of continuing Russian attacks against the civilian population and critical infrastructure. The President of the Council of Ministers reiterated that support for Ukraine is a top priority on the Italian G7 Presidency’s agenda and reaffirmed the ongoing commitment to Ukraine’s legitimate defence and to a just and lasting peace. Lastly, the two leaders paid particular attention to the issue of reconstruction, also ahead of the next Ukraine Recovery Conference which will be held in Italy in 2025


President Meloni’s statement on Minister Sangiuliano’s resignation

6 Settembre 2024

I wish to sincerely thank Gennaro Sangiuliano, a competent person and an honest man, for the extraordinary work he has done thus far, which has enabled the Italian Government to achieve important results in terms of revitalising and enhancing Italy’s great cultural heritage, also beyond our national borders. I have taken note of Minister Sangiuliano’s irrevocable resignation and have proposed to the President of the Republic to appoint Alessandro Giuli, current President of the MAXXI Foundation, as the new Minister of Culture.


President Meloni addresses 22nd G7 Speakers’ Meeting

6 Settembre 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, today addressed the 22nd meeting of the Speakers and Presidents of the Lower Houses of the G7 states, being held in Verona.


President Meloni meets with Mike Johnson

4 Settembre 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, received the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America, Mike Johnson, at Palazzo Chigi today. The meeting focused on the key importance of the strategic partnership between Rome and Washington as well as on the major current issues at international level, starting with the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, underlining the two nations’ shared commitment to defending the principles of freedom and democracy and the role of parliamentary diplomacy.


Statement by Palazzo Chigi on the arrest of Leonardo Bertulazzi

29 Agosto 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, conveys her deep appreciation to the Argentine authorities for the arrest of Leonardo Bertulazzi, who had previously been sentenced in Italy to 27 years in prison for terrorist offences. The arrest came after his refugee status was revoked by the Argentinian Commission for Refugees.  


President Meloni meets with the Mayor of Amatrice at Palazzo Chigi

28 Agosto 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, received the Mayor of Amatrice, Giorgio Cortellesi, at Palazzo Chigi today. During the meeting, just a few days after the eighth anniversary of the quake that hit central Italy, President Meloni confirmed to Mayor Cortellesi that the Government is committed to completing reconstruction work and restoring safety and development to the earthquake-affected areas.


President Meloni’s statement on eighth anniversary of the earthquake in central Italy

24 Agosto 2024

Eight years ago, a catastrophic earthquake devastated central Italy.That terrible quake hit at 3.36am, as we are all reminded by the stopped clock on the municipal tower of Amatrice, triggering a series of seismic events whose destructive effects were felt for several months after, involving an extremely vast area of our nation.