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Government holds meetings with representatives of trade unions and employers’ associations on workplace health and safety

26 February 2024

The Government held two separate meetings with representatives of trade union organisations and employers’ associations at Palazzo Chigi today on the issue of workplace health and safety. On behalf of the Government, the meetings were attended by Minister of Labour and Social Policies Marina Calderone and Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano. 

The Government outlined the contents of the new workplace health and safety regulations to attendees, underlining that it has been paying attention to this issue ever since coming to office, with specific measures by the Ministry of Labour, and that the discussions on this matter already initiated with social partners will continue. Details of the measures will be discussed during today’s Council of Ministers meeting. In particular, Minister Calderone highlighted the recent increase in the number of inspectors, which will allow for 40% more investigation activities to be carried out in 2024 compared with last year. The hiring freeze will also be lifted and there will be a new recruitment process to boost the number of labour inspectors, the Carabinieri inspection unit and the number of inspection personnel working for INPS [National Social Security Institute] and INAIL [National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work]. Coordination of inspection activities is also provided for, as is a strengthening of the system of sanctions with regard to subcontracting and illegal and fraudulent contract work. Other priorities for the Government include the certification of businesses and training for both workers and employers, as well as the safeguarding of law-abiding companies, with the introduction of a ‘credits-based licence’.

The first meeting was attended by representatives of Cgil, Cisl, Uil, Ugl, Confasal, Cisal, Confintesa and Usb, while the second was attended by representatives of Confcooperative, Legacoop, Ance, Casartigiani, CNA, Confapi, Confartigianato, Confindustria and Confimi Industria.