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Government meets with trade union organisations at Palazzo Chigi

22 September 2023

The Government met with trade union organisations at Palazzo Chigi this morning regarding the measures to control inflation and protect citizens’ incomes and purchasing power.
The meetings were attended, on behalf of the Government, by Undersecretaries of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano and Giovanbattista Fazzolari, Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso and Minister for Public Administration Paolo Zangrillo, and by representatives of the trade union organisations Cgil, Cisl, Uil, Ugl, Confsal, Cisal, Confintesa, Usb, Confedir, Ciu and Cida.
During the discussions, the Government highlighted that Italy has recorded a more substantial drop in inflation than the European average and illustrated the effects of the measures that have already been implemented to support workers and pensioners, in particular the reduction of the tax and social security contribution wedge, tax relief on productivity bonuses, revision of the pension indexation mechanism for the years 2023-2024, the increase in the ‘assegno unico’ [‘single allowance’] amount paid to families, and the ‘social bonus’ for bills.
The Government gathered the trade union representatives’ requests and observations, also with regard to renewing and strengthening the measures already introduced, and assured them of its intention to carry out the necessary technical and financial assessments on measures with an impact on public finances. In addition, it was agreed to work, also with the other ministers in charge, to ensure that trade unions are involved in price monitoring, including at regional level.