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President Meloni meets with President Bazoum of the Republic of Niger

3 December 2022

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met this afternoon with the President of the Republic of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum, in the margins of the MED Dialogues conference.
The long and cordial meeting focused on the continuing instability in the Sahel region and Niger’s central role in countering the threat of terrorism and managing irregular migration flows towards the central Mediterranean route.
President Meloni confirmed the Italian Government’s commitment to increase its focus on the wider Mediterranean and the entire African continent. In this context, she reiterated the willingness to work together with Niger to combat the deep-rooted entrenchment of Islamic extremism and illegal migration through a cooperation model aimed at developing the potential of African nations, leading to tangible and mutually beneficial results.
President Meloni and President Bazoum also discussed opportunities to strengthen the already excellent bilateral relations in the fields of security and economic development, with particular interest in possible initiatives in the education and training sector and in response to the challenges, and also the opportunities, presented by the fight against climate change and desertification.