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President Meloni’s statement on income tax measure for farmers

13 February 2024

At this difficult time for the agricultural sector, the choice to guarantee additional support is the result of the work carried out by the Agriculture and Economy Ministries, which have drawn up a fairer tax measure proposal that takes into consideration the requests put forward during last week’s discussion with farmers’ organisations. During that meeting, I acknowledged the organisations’ proposals and presented the many results our Government has achieved in Italy to the benefit of the agricultural sector. Our commitment will now be even stronger in Europe, where we will call for agriculture to be put back at the forefront of discussions.

The IRPEF [personal income tax] measure, proposed by the Government at my specific request, ensures a gradual approach, providing more relief for those farmers in the most difficulty and excluding from the benefit those who objectively do not need it and yet have nevertheless been granted it in the past, resulting in them being treated differently compared with other Italians in their same situation.
In fact, in these years, even particularly well-off people have unjustifiably been exempted from IRPEF.
This measure also guarantees a new taxation model for two years, allowing farmers to make business decisions with a longer-term view compared with the one-year term previously provided for.

I wish to thank Minister Giorgetti and Deputy Minister Leo, who have identified the resources to cover this measure, Minister Lollobrigida, who has drawn up the proposal together with them, and the Vice-Presidents of the Council of Ministers, Antonio Tajani and Matteo Salvini, for the work that has been carried out.

[Courtesy translation]