Il Governo

October 2024

(View from the most recent)

26 January 2023

President Meloni meets with Minister of Justice Nordio

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met this afternoon with the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, at Palazzo Chigi, to discuss the next measures regarding the justice system.

26 January 2023

Incontro del Presidente Meloni con il Ministro della Giustizia Nordio

Il Presidente Meloni ha incontrato questo pomeriggio a Palazzo Chigi il Ministro della Giustizia Nordio per discutere dei prossimi provvedimenti in tema di giustizia. "Dare ai cittadini una giustizia giusta e veloce è una priorità assoluta di questo Governo e un impegno che abbiamo preso con gli italiani. Siamo determinati a mantenerlo nel più breve tempo possibile", dichiara il Presidente Meloni.

26 January 2023

Giornata della Memoria, Ministra Roccella promuove e inaugura esposizione fotografica al Museo Maxxi , “Il Cinema della Memoria”

Un racconto per immagini che porta a rivivere in prima persona i drammatici eventi dell’Olocausto attraverso le scene più rappresentative del cinema. Si intitola “Il Cinema della Memoria” il percorso fotografico che è stato promosso e sarà inaugurato dalla ministra per la Famiglia, la Natalità e le Pari Opportunità Eugenia Roccella, oggi 26 gennaio alle ore 17.00, al Museo Maxxi di Roma (Sala Carlo Scarpa), alla presenza di un rappresentante dell’Ambasciata d’Israele in Italia.

26 January 2023

Prefect Giuseppe Pecoraro appointed National Coordinator for the fight against anti-Semitism

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, has appointed Prefect Giuseppe Pecoraro as National Coordinator for the fight against anti-Semitism. President Meloni thanks Professor Milena Santerini for her valuable work at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers over the last years and wishes Prefect Pecoraro all the best with his new role.

26 January 2023

President Meloni expresses solidarity following the attacks in Germany and Spain

Brutal acts of blind violence have once again hit Europe. I wish to express mine and the Italian Government’s sympathy and solidarity with Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President of the Government Pedro Sánchez following the attacks that have caused death and suffering for defenceless citizens in Germany and Spain. We must keep our guard up against people and movements that want to destroy our societies and attack us for who we are.

25 January 2023

Rome’s EXPO 2030 bid: President Meloni meets with BIE Secretary General Kerkentzes

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met this morning with the Secretary General of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), Dimitri Kerkentzes, at Palazzo Chigi.
The meeting focused on the city of Rome’s candidacy to host the World Expo in 2030. President Meloni recalled the main contents of Italy’s EXPO 2030 bid and confirmed that the Government is fully committed to the success of the Italian capital’s candidature.

25 January 2023

Ucraina, conversazione telefonica del Presidente Meloni con Biden, Macron, Scholz e Sunak

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha avuto oggi una conversazione telefonica con il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Biden, il Presidente francese Macron, il Cancelliere tedesco Scholz e il Primo Ministro britannico Sunak nel quadro dello stretto coordinamento euroatlantico sul sostegno all’Ucraina. Prendendo atto della situazione sul terreno a quasi un anno dall’invasione russa, i leader hanno ribadito l’importanza di una costante forte coesione tra alleati nel continuare a fornire assistenza a Kiev a 360 gradi.

25 January 2023

President Meloni’s best wishes for newly elected CSM Vice-President Pinelli

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, wishes the newly elected Vice-President of the ‘Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura’ [‘CSM’, ‘High Council of the Judiciary’], Fabio Pinelli, all the best with his new role, certain of his loyal cooperation with the Government to improve Italy’s justice system.

25 January 2023

Ukraine - President Meloni’s call with President Biden, President Macron, Chancellor Scholz and Prime Minister Sunak

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, had a telephone conversation today with President of the United States Biden, French President Macron, German Chancellor Scholz and UK Prime Minister Sunak as part of the close Euro-Atlantic coordination on support for Ukraine. Taking note of the situation on the ground almost a year on from the Russian invasion, the leaders reiterated the importance of constant strong cohesion among allies in continuing to provide comprehensive assistance to Kyiv.

24 January 2023

President Meloni addresses ‘Italy and the Western Balkans: Growth and Integration’ conference

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, this morning addressed the national conference ‘Italy and the Western Balkans: Growth and Integration. Objectives, tools and opportunities for the Italian Economic System’ via video message.
