Il Governo

October 2024

(View from the most recent)

16 July 2023

President Meloni, President von der Leyen and Prime Minister Rutte in Tunisia

The press statements by President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni, President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Mark Rutte and President of the Republic of Tunisia Kais Saied, following their meeting in Tunis.

16 July 2023

President Meloni, President von der Leyen and Prime Minister Rutte in Tunisia

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, together with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, met with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tunisia, Najla Bouden, and with the President of the Republic of Tunisia, Kais Saied, in Tunis today. During the visit, the EU-Tunisia Memorandum of Understanding was signed and, afterwards, the leaders issued joint statements to the press.

15 July 2023

President Meloni’s statement on renewal of CCNL for school staff

I wish to thank Minister of Education and Merit Valditara and Minister for Public Administration Zangrillo for the great efforts made to reach an agreement with trade unions on the renewal of the ‘CCNL’ [national collective labour agreement] for school staff. This result confirms the Government’s attention and represents a significant step forward in giving back status and dignity to those who serve what is a crucial sector for the present and future of our nation.

14 July 2023

“Piano nazionale per la riqualificazione dei piccoli comuni”, la conferenza stampa del Ministro Musumeci

Presentato a Palazzo Chigi dal Ministro per la Protezione civile e le Politiche del mare, Nello Musumeci, e dal Capo Dipartimento Casa Italia Luigi Ferrara, il bando per la presentazione dei progetti di investimento pubblico da inserire nel “Piano nazionale per la riqualificazione dei piccoli comuni”, d’intesa con il Ministero dell’Interno.

14 July 2023

Il sottosegretario Mantovano incontra il vicesegretario al Tesoro degli Stati Uniti Adeyemo

Il sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio, Alfredo Mantovano, ha incontrato a Palazzo Chigi il vicesegretario al Tesoro degli Stati Uniti d’America, Adewale Adeyemo. Al centro del cordiale e lungo colloquio, le sanzioni contro la Russia, i rapporti finanziari e la sicurezza degli investimenti, l’agenda della prossima presidenza del G7, le relazioni con il Sud globale, in particolare con il Nord Africa.

14 July 2023

Press conference by Minister Musumeci on ‘National plan for the redevelopment of small municipalities’

The Minister for Civil Protection and Marine Policies, Nello Musumeci, held a press conference today to illustrate the call, drawn up by the ‘Casa Italia’ Department, for public investment projects to be included in the ‘National plan for the redevelopment of small municipalities’.

14 July 2023

Press conference by Minister Musumeci on ‘National plan for the redevelopment of small municipalities’

The Minister for Civil Protection and Marine Policies, Nello Musumeci, together with the Head of the ‘Casa Italia’ Department, Luigi Ferrara, today presented the call for public investment projects to be included in the ‘National plan for the redevelopment of small municipalities’, in agreement with the Ministry of the Interior.

14 July 2023

Press conference by Minister Musumeci on ‘National plan for the redevelopment of small municipalities’

The Minister for Civil Protection and Marine Policies, Nello Musumeci, held a press conference today to illustrate the call, drawn up by the ‘Casa Italia’ Department, for public investment projects to be included in the ‘National plan for the redevelopment of small municipalities’.

14 July 2023

Convocazione del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 43

Il Consiglio dei ministri è convocato lunedì 17 luglio 2023, alle ore 17.00 a Palazzo Chigi, per l’esame del seguente ordine del giorno:

14 July 2023

“Piano nazionale per la riqualificazione dei piccoli comuni”, conferenza stampa del Ministro Musumeci

Il Ministro per la Protezione civile e le Politiche del mare, Nello Musumeci, ha illustrato in conferenza stampa il bando, predisposto dal Dipartimento Casa Italia, per la presentazione dei progetti di investimento pubblico da inserire nel “Piano nazionale per la riqualificazione dei piccoli comuni”.
