Data Consiglio dei Ministri: 17 July 2023

DECRETO LEGISLATIVO Istituzione del Garante nazionale dei diritti delle persone con disabilità in attuazione della delega conferita al Governo ai sensi della legge 22 dicembre 2021 n. 227. ESAME PRELIMINARE

Data Consiglio dei Ministri: 17 July 2023

DECRETO DEL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA: Regolamento concernente i compiti del Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali in materia di minori stranieri non accompagnati, ai sensi dell'articolo 17, comma 1, della legge 23 agosto 1988, n. 400. SECONDO ESAME PRELIMINARE

Data Consiglio dei Ministri: 17 July 2023

DECRETO DEL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA: Regolamento recante modifiche al decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 24 novembre 2001, n. 474, in materia di semplificazione del procedimento di autorizzazione alla circolazione di prova dei veicoli. ESAME PRELIMINARE

28 July 2023

PNRR, dichiarazione del Ministro Raffaele Fitto

Accogliamo con grande soddisfazione le decisioni prese oggi dalla Commissione europea ed esprimiamo anche grande apprezzamento per le parole della Presidente von der Leyen. La valutazione positiva della Commissione sulla terza richiesta di pagamento e la contemporanea proposta relativa alle modifiche di alcune misure della quarta rata, una volta approvata dagli Stati membri, consentiranno all’Italia di ricevere entro quest’anno il totale di 35 miliardi di euro previsti dal PNRR ...

English | Italiano

Remarks by President Meloni before her bilateral meeting with President Biden

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Thank you. I am very pleased to be here today, to testify the deep friendship that bonds the United States and Italy. I want to thank President Biden for his hospitality. This closeness is based on common values and cultural roots. Our bond was made strong by the contribution of millions of Americans of Italian origin and that means Italy is an integral part of the great American nation, and contributed in shaping its culture and identity, and also for that our relations are historically strong, they cross governments and remain solid regardless of their political colours. 

We know who our friends are in times that are tough. I think that Western nations have shown that they can rely on each other much [more] than some had believed, moreover after the Russian aggression against Ukraine, for all together we decided to defend international law and I’m proud that Italy, from the beginning, played its part in it. We did it simply because supporting Ukraine means defending the peaceful coexistence of people and States everywhere in the world. Contrary to what some claim, Ukrainian resistance distances a world war; it does not bring it closer, as some say. Those who believe in peace should be the first supporters of the Ukrainian cause.

And then Italy and the United States have important common interests in enhancing, as well, a global trade that is not only free but also fair. Competition from other nations that do not meet our standards in terms of worker protection, safety, environmental protection, undermine our companies and workers. So, free trade without rules has shown its limits. We must find the right balance between openness and the protection of our economies and strategic interests. 

Similarly, we will discuss also this, within the West we must work together to support our industrial systems by fostering convergence on our national interests. In this respect, the dialogue between us - between Italy, Europe, the United States - can avoid counterproductive tension to the benefit of everyone. And, on the other hand, we also need to be fair with nations that feel they have been exploited of their resources and that today show distrust towards the West. President Biden knows I take care a lot about Africa, about the role that we can play in these countries that can help us, building with them a new relationship based on a new approach, which is a peer-to-peer approach, also to fight illegal migration and all the problems that we face. It’s all things that we will discuss in the G7 presidency of Italy next year. 

And then, the United States is our most important trade partner outside the European Union, and I think - I do agree with you, Joe - that our trade partnership is very high, but no reason why we could not improve it. 
So, thank you very much for hosting us, and thank you for your time.

English | Italiano

Incontro bilaterale con il Presidente Biden, le dichiarazioni del Presidente Meloni

Thursday, 27 July 2023

A seguire traduzione di cortesia.


Thank you. I am very pleased to be here today, to testify the deep friendship that bonds the United States and Italy. I want to thank President Biden for his hospitality. This closeness is based on common values and cultural roots. Our bond was made strong by the contribution of millions of Americans of Italian origin and that means Italy is an integral part of the great American nation, and contributed in shaping its culture and identity, and also for that our relations are historically strong, they cross governments and remain solid regardless of their political colours. 

We know who our friends are in times that are tough. I think that Western nations have shown that they can rely on each other much [more] than some had believed, moreover after the Russian aggression against Ukraine, for all together we decided to defend international law and I’m proud that Italy, from the beginning, played its part in it. We did it simply because supporting Ukraine means defending the peaceful coexistence of people and States everywhere in the world. Contrary to what some claim, Ukrainian resistance distances a world war; it does not bring it closer, as some say. Those who believe in peace should be the first supporters of the Ukrainian cause.

And then Italy and the United States have important common interests in enhancing, as well, a global trade that is not only free but also fair. Competition from other nations that do not meet our standards in terms of worker protection, safety, environmental protection, undermine our companies and workers. So, free trade without rules has shown its limits. We must find the right balance between openness and the protection of our economies and strategic interests. 

Similarly, we will discuss also this, within the West we must work together to support our industrial systems by fostering convergence on our national interests. In this respect, the dialogue between us - between Italy, Europe, the United States - can avoid counterproductive tension to the benefit of everyone. And, on the other hand, we also need to be fair with nations that feel they have been exploited of their resources and that today show distrust towards the West. President Biden knows I take care a lot about Africa, about the role that we can play in these countries that can help us, building with them a new relationship based on a new approach, which is a peer-to-peer approach, also to fight illegal migration and all the problems that we face. It’s all things that we will discuss in the G7 presidency of Italy next year. 

And then, the United States is our most important trade partner outside the European Union, and I think - I do agree with you, Joe - that our trade partnership is very high, but no reason why we could not improve it. 
So, thank you very much for hosting us, and thank you for your time.


Grazie. Sono molto lieta di essere qui oggi, a testimoniare la profonda amicizia che lega gli Stati Uniti e l'Italia. Voglio ringraziare il Presidente Biden per la sua ospitalità. Questa vicinanza si basa su valori e radici culturali comuni. Il nostro legame è stato reso forte dal contributo di milioni di americani di origine italiana e questo significa che l'Italia è parte integrante della grande Nazione americana, e ha contribuito a plasmarne la cultura e l'identità. Anche per questo le nostre relazioni sono storicamente forti, attraversano i governi e restano solide indipendentemente dai colori politici.

Sappiamo chi sono i nostri amici in tempi difficili. Penso che le Nazioni occidentali abbiano dimostrato di poter contare l'una sull'altra molto più di quanto alcuni credessero, soprattutto dopo l'aggressione russa all'Ucraina, perché tutti insieme abbiamo deciso di difendere il diritto internazionale, e sono orgogliosa che, fin dall'inizio, l'Italia abbia fatto la sua parte. Lo abbiamo fatto semplicemente perché sostenere l'Ucraina significa difendere la coesistenza pacifica di popoli e Stati in tutto il mondo. Contrariamente a quanto sostengono alcuni, la resistenza ucraina allontana una guerra mondiale; non la avvicina, come dicono alcuni. Coloro che credono nella pace dovrebbero essere i primi a sostenere la causa ucraina.

E poi l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti hanno importanti interessi comuni anche nel potenziare un commercio globale che sia non solo libero ma anche equo. La concorrenza da parte di altre Nazioni che non soddisfano i nostri standard in termini di protezione dei lavoratori, sicurezza e tutela dell'ambiente mina le nostre aziende e i nostri lavoratori. Il libero scambio senza regole ha dunque mostrato i suoi limiti. Dobbiamo trovare il giusto equilibrio tra apertura e protezione delle nostre economie e dei nostri interessi strategici.

In modo analogo, e discuteremo anche di questo, all'interno dell'Occidente dobbiamo lavorare insieme per sostenere i nostri sistemi industriali, favorendo la convergenza sui nostri interessi nazionali. A questo proposito, il dialogo tra noi - tra Italia, Europa, Stati Uniti - può evitare tensioni controproducenti, a beneficio di tutti. Dall’altra parte, dobbiamo anche essere corretti con le Nazioni che sentono di essere state sfruttate per le loro risorse e che oggi mostrano diffidenza nei confronti dell'Occidente. Il Presidente Biden sa che presto molta attenzione all'Africa, al ruolo che possiamo svolgere in questi Paesi che possono aiutarci, costruendo con loro un nuovo rapporto basato su un nuovo approccio, un approccio peer-to-peer, anche per combattere la migrazione illegale e tutti i problemi che dobbiamo affrontare. Sono tutte cose che discuteremo durante la presidenza italiana del G7 l'anno prossimo.

E poi, gli Stati Uniti sono il nostro partner commerciale più importante al di fuori dell'Unione Europea e credo - sono d'accordo con te, Joe - che il nostro partenariato commerciale sia molto alto, ma non c'è motivo per cui non possiamo migliorarlo.
Quindi, grazie mille per averci ospitato e grazie per il vostro tempo.

27 July 2023

President Meloni in the United States

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, is visiting the United States of America on 27 and 28 July.
Yesterday, she met with the leaders of the Senate political groups at Capitol Hill, after which she met with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, and with the leaders of the House of Representatives political groups.
In the afternoon, President Meloni met with the President of the United States of America, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., at the White House.

27 July 2023

President Meloni in the United States

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, is visiting the United States of America on 27 and 28 July. Earlier today, she met with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, at Capitol Hill. Following their meeting, President Meloni and Speaker McCarthy issued statements to the press. President Meloni then met with President Biden of the United States of America at the White House, after which she held a press conference at the Italian Embassy.

English | Italiano

President Meloni’s press statement with Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Good morning. 

I want to thank Speaker Kevin McCarthy, my friend Speaker Kevin McCarthy, for this occasion he gave me.

I want to say that I’m very glad to be here in the heart of the American democracy and in the place that Thomas Jefferson, at the time Secretary of State of President George Washington, wanted to call Capitol Hill to commemorate the famous Temple of Giove on the Capitoline Hill, il Campidoglio - one of the seven hills of Rome. And I say it for it is another sign of the incredibly strong ties between Italy and the United States, ties that have become even deeper in recent times after the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. More than ever, in this international juncture, our relations are essential. More than ever, we must be able to rely one on the other. Today we had the occasion to exchange views on many international issues, from the war in Ukraine and its effects worldwide, in particular regarding food security, to the stabilisation and development in the Mediterranean area, moreover in Africa, the Indo-Pacific, and Italy’s next Presidency of the G7.

I was glad to have this debate with representatives of Congress because it gives me a complete picture of the foreign policy landscape from representatives elected by the American people. I’ve been in politics for most of my life and I’ve been a member of parliament for many, many years, so I perfectly know the importance of parliaments in democracies. That’s why I’m so grateful to Speaker Kevin McCarthy, whom I had the pleasure to meet already in Rome a few months ago, and to the representatives I met today, for the time they wanted to spend with me. 

And last but not least, I’m happy to be here in a place decorated by these wonderful frescoes of Costantino Brumidi, another Italian, for this place represents and sums up also the stories of all the Italian-Americans who, with their lives, with their efforts, with their dreams, with their creativity, contributed to strengthening the bonds between our two peoples and contributed to make this democracy the great democracy it is. So, I want to say that I’m proud of these Italians, I’m proud of your grandfather too, Kevin, and I really want to thank them for the contribution they brought to the history and the culture and the identity of this nation. Many of them are today representatives and that shows the role Italy has had for the history of the United States, and that is one reason more to continue strengthening our relations, our cooperation, our friendship, particularly in this tough world, in this tough situation. 

Many things are changing around us, but there is something others didn’t expect that we should perfectly prove: that the Western world is united and wants to defend the world based on rules, for without a world based on international law, we would live in a world of chaos, in which who is militarily stronger thinks he can invade his neighbour. That’s not the world we want to live in; we want to live in a world in which we can respect sovereignty and freedom. Thank you very much.

English | Italiano

Dichiarazioni alla stampa del Presidente Meloni con lo Speaker della Camera dei Rappresentanti McCarthy

Thursday, 27 July 2023

A seguire traduzione di cortesia


Good morning. 

I want to thank Speaker Kevin McCarthy, my friend Speaker Kevin McCarthy, for this occasion he gave me.

I want to say that I’m very glad to be here in the heart of the American democracy and in the place that Thomas Jefferson, at the time Secretary of State of President George Washington, wanted to call Capitol Hill to commemorate the famous Temple of Giove on the Capitoline Hill, il Campidoglio - one of the seven hills of Rome. And I say it for it is another sign of the incredibly strong ties between Italy and the United States, ties that have become even deeper in recent times after the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. More than ever, in this international juncture, our relations are essential. More than ever, we must be able to rely one on the other. Today we had the occasion to exchange views on many international issues, from the war in Ukraine and its effects worldwide, in particular regarding food security, to the stabilisation and development in the Mediterranean area, moreover in Africa, the Indo-Pacific, and Italy’s next Presidency of the G7.

I was glad to have this debate with representatives of Congress because it gives me a complete picture of the foreign policy landscape from representatives elected by the American people. I’ve been in politics for most of my life and I’ve been a member of parliament for many, many years, so I perfectly know the importance of parliaments in democracies. That’s why I’m so grateful to Speaker Kevin McCarthy, whom I had the pleasure to meet already in Rome a few months ago, and to the representatives I met today, for the time they wanted to spend with me. 

And last but not least, I’m happy to be here in a place decorated by these wonderful frescoes of Costantino Brumidi, another Italian, for this place represents and sums up also the stories of all the Italian-Americans who, with their lives, with their efforts, with their dreams, with their creativity, contributed to strengthening the bonds between our two peoples and contributed to make this democracy the great democracy it is. So, I want to say that I’m proud of these Italians, I’m proud of your grandfather too, Kevin, and I really want to thank them for the contribution they brought to the history and the culture and the identity of this nation. Many of them are today representatives and that shows the role Italy has had for the history of the United States, and that is one reason more to continue strengthening our relations, our cooperation, our friendship, particularly in this tough world, in this tough situation. 

Many things are changing around us, but there is something others didn’t expect that we should perfectly prove: that the Western world is united and wants to defend the world based on rules, for without a world based on international law, we would live in a world of chaos, in which who is militarily stronger thinks he can invade his neighbour. That’s not the world we want to live in; we want to live in a world in which we can respect sovereignty and freedom. Thank you very much.



Voglio ringraziare lo Speaker Kevin McCarthy, il mio amico Speaker Kevin McCarthy, per l'occasione che mi ha dato.

Voglio dire che sono molto contenta di essere qui, nel cuore della democrazia americana e nel luogo che Thomas Jefferson, all'epoca Segretario di Stato del Presidente George Washington, ha voluto chiamare Capitol Hill per ricordare il famoso Tempio di Giove sul Monte Capitolino - il Campidoglio -, uno dei sette colli di Roma. E lo dico perché è un altro segno dei legami incredibilmente forti tra l’Italia e gli Stati Uniti, legami che sono diventati ancora più profondi negli ultimi tempi in seguito alla guerra di aggressione russa contro l'Ucraina. Più che mai, in questa congiuntura internazionale, le nostre relazioni sono essenziali; più che mai dobbiamo poter contare gli uni sugli altri.

Oggi abbiamo avuto l'occasione di avere uno scambio di vedute su molte questioni internazionali, dalla guerra in Ucraina e i suoi effetti a livello mondiale, in particolare per quanto riguarda la sicurezza alimentare, alla stabilizzazione e allo sviluppo nell'area mediterranea, soprattutto in Africa, all'Indo-Pacifico e alla prossima Presidenza italiana del G7.

Mi ha fatto piacere avere questo confronto con i Rappresentanti del Congresso perché mi fornisce un quadro completo del panorama della politica estera da parte dei rappresentanti eletti dal popolo americano. Ho fatto politica per la maggior parte della mia vita e sono stata deputato per moltissimi anni, quindi conosco perfettamente l'importanza dei Parlamenti nelle democrazie. Ecco perché sono così grata allo Speaker Kevin McCarthy, che ho avuto il piacere di incontrare già a Roma qualche mese fa, ed ai rappresentanti che ho incontrato oggi, per il tempo che hanno voluto dedicarmi.

E, infine, sono felice di essere qui, in un luogo decorato da questi meravigliosi affreschi di Costantino Brumidi, un altro italiano, perché questo luogo rappresenta e riassume anche le storie di tutti gli italo-americani che, con le loro vite, con i loro sforzi, con i loro sogni, con la loro creatività, hanno contribuito a rafforzare i legami tra i nostri due popoli e hanno contribuito a fare di questa democrazia la grande democrazia che è. Quindi voglio dire che sono fiera di questi italiani, sono fiera anche di tuo nonno, Kevin, e voglio davvero ringraziarli per il contributo che hanno dato alla storia, alla cultura e all'identità di questa Nazione. Molti di loro sono oggi Rappresentanti e questo dimostra il ruolo che l'Italia ha avuto per la storia degli Stati Uniti, ed è questo un motivo in più per continuare a rafforzare le nostre relazioni, la nostra cooperazione, la nostra amicizia, soprattutto in questo mondo difficile, in questa situazione difficile.

Molte cose stanno cambiando intorno a noi, ma c'è qualcosa che altri non si aspettavano, che dobbiamo dimostrare perfettamente: il mondo occidentale è unito e vuole difendere il mondo basato sulle regole, perché senza un mondo basato sul diritto internazionale, vivremmo in un mondo di caos, in cui chi è militarmente più forte pensa di poter invadere il suo vicino. Non è questo il mondo in cui vogliamo vivere; vogliamo vivere in un mondo in cui possiamo rispettare la sovranità e la libertà. Grazie mille.
